Tweet Some Happiness Into Your Day!

MovingPro's Zippy Greene™My brother always dreamed of being a superhero.  I used to think it was because he liked wearing costumes but turns out he genuinely likes helping people. His dream came true when he became @northstarmoving on twitter offering friendly advice as a moving and storage professional. His mission: help make someone’s moving day a little brighter. 10,685 tweets later he has more than a few stories Read More

Saving Money on Your Move

NorthStar Moving® is all about getting the best value for your money! We understand that moving a home can become an expensive task very quickly. People often say they want to go with whatever moving company is the cheapest. But overall, the cheapest could end… Read More

Moving with Reusable Bags

Packing up and moving can be a very stressful process, but you can make it fun… and green! When you’re stuffing boxes, there are going to be those items you specifically want to put in bags. Instead of using the ordinary shopping bag, try using new reusable bags. Read More