Be Prepared! Earthquake Tips

As Californians, we know how scary an earthquake can be. With the anniversaries of the Haiti earthquake (January 12) and the Northridge earthquake (January 17) coming up, I thought it would be best to re-check my earthquake preparedness level. Earthquakes and other natural disasters can… Read More

Do It Yourself Moving – Storage

It’s moving day and you’ve realized that there is just way too much stuff! What do you do? Think storage! Whether your new home isn’t ready just yet or you find yourself with far more belongings than house space, storage is a great idea.  So follow these tips, grab a pen and a piece of paper and start taking notes! How to do it yourself storage starts now! Read More

Another Very Vegetarian Thanksgiving

Last Thanksgiving, I decided to make my dinner special by making it healthy, happy, and eco-friendly. Those three things can only mean one thing: vegetarian Thanksgiving recipes! Over the past year, I’ve tried to make more and more of my holiday meals be “very vegetarian,”… Read More

Get Out of Helping Friends on Moving Day

“Help me move!” Your friend pleads. It’s hard to resist wanting to help your friend moving sometimes. Helping your friend with moving sounds like a nice gesture, but it can end friendships. It’s very hard to turn down a close friend asking for a favor,… Read More