Moving Tips From Snap’s Moving Day

Hi! It’s Snap Greene here again your trusty eco-loving-moving expert! I wanted to be able to share some moving tips with you guys before your big move! Also, speaking of moving, I am in the process of moving to another cardboard house near Long Beach so I can be close to the Children’s Hospital. Zippy and Sparkle also helped create some of these moving tips as well. On our last move, zippy, sparkle and I had so much fun moving with NorthStar Moving because moving Read More

It’s time for Spring Cleaning!

Spring is approaching fast that means one thing, time to put away those bulky winter items and get started on Spring cleaning! Spring cleaning may not sound fun but why not make it an enjoyable time? Go ahead and turn up the music and put… Read More

How to Have An Eco-Friendly Passover

It’s almost Passover! You know what that means? Time for lots of  family, yummy food, telling stories, asking questions…yep, it’s Passover Seder time! How do you celebrate Passover? Whatever you do, make sure it’s eco-friendly! Here are some tips and tricks for making your matzo… Read More

Do It Yourself Moving – Organization

Do It Yourself Organization means less stress on moving day for you. Not many people realize but moving and do it yourself organization go hand in hand.  Whether it’s packing for a move, unpacking your belongings, or just organizing your new home after moving day, do it yourself organization can be done anytime! Grab a pen and piece of paper and start taking notes, a smoother moving day depends on it!  Read More