Welcome Fall at Your Farmers Market

While it’s not technically fall for another month or so, I’m so excited! Is it sweater weather yet? The change in season not only brings new fashion choices but also new produce options at your farmers market. Supporting your local farmers market is in style… Read More

Fire Up the Grill: Very Vegetarian Summer BBQ Recipes

You know what my favorite part of summer is? The food!! Fresh berries, watermelon, oranges–mmm, my mouth is watering. I especially love having a cookout with my friends and family. A barbeque is a great way to bring people together and enjoy the season. But, you know what you need to have a great barbeque? Great BBQ recipes! Most people probably think about BBQ recipes as steak, hamburgers and hot dogs, but there are so many great vegetarian BBQ recipes out there. Why not savor the tastes of summer without hurting the environment? Check out some of my favorite vegetarian BBQ recipes for summer: Read More

DIY: Upcycle Eco-Bubble & Cardboard into Art

Finished moving? If so, I am sure you’re wondering what to do with all those leftover cardboard boxes and eco-bubble! UPCYCLE!! There are so many ways to upcycle materials into works of art. Think back to when you were a child and wanted something to play with; if you were like me, you probably made things using upcycle techniques for cardboard boxes. In fact, this chain below is made out of only cardboard! How neat is that? Read More