Christmas Tree Lightings

Live bands, shining lights, and smiles all around. These are just some of the things one sees at a Christmas tree lighting. Almost every major city holds a tree lighting to kick off the holiday season. Some cities celebrate the day after Thanksgiving while others… Read More

‘Tis the season for watching wishes come true

With holiday music in the air, long lines at the registers, and glittering decorations, there is nothing quite like shopping this time of the year. However, what really decks the halls of our shopping centers with holly during the holiday season are the generous and… Read More

Time for Turkey Trots


Thanksgiving is a day that is usually spent being stuffed full of food and sitting on the couch. Why not burn off those extra calories at a run/walk? Get moving! You can even help out a charity while doing so! Turkey trots are becoming a… Read More

One Day on Earth

NorthStar Moving® offers services for moving the everyday public and big time celebrities to their next destination. We know that people are always on the move and there hardly arrives a chance to slow down or appreciate what we have. On October 10, 2010 (10.10.10), USC film graduates will take the time to help others document and share their day on Earth with people around the planet. This project is titled “One Day on Earth.” Read More

Northern California City Ranks #1

Renewable energy is all the rage for people and communities on the move, but which cities actually use the most renewable energy techniques?

Out of cities all over the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ranks Santa Clara, CA as the greenest powered Read More