San Francisco Moving Company Tips: 10 Things to Get Rid of Before Moving

Woman clearing out her closet before moving day

Moving can be the perfect opportunity for a fresh start, with decluttering serving as the ultimate reset button. As a top-rated San Francisco Moving Company, we’ve seen firsthand how decluttering before moving day can transform the moving experience from chaotic to calm. By getting rid of unnecessary items, you not only make packing and unpacking easier but also start your new chapter with a sense of order, simplicity and purpose. In this blog, we’ll share our favorite decluttering tips and reveal the top 10 things you should get rid of before moving. Whether you’re downsizing, upgrading or just looking to turn over a new leaf, these tips will help you lighten your load and make your move smoother.

San Francisco Moving Company Tips: The top 10 items you should consider decluttering before a move

1. Old Clothes

San Francisco Moving Company NorthStar Moving suggests creating a donation pile while clearing out your closet.

Tip: Go through your wardrobe and set aside clothes you haven’t worn in the past year. Create three piles, donate, keep and recycle. Donate gently used items to a local charity or thrift store, and recycle any worn-out clothes. This will not only free up space but also make packing your favorite pieces easier. Ask your movers if they have any programs for donating unwanted clothing. As a leading San Francisco Moving Company, we offer an additional moving service called “The Conscious Closet” that partners you with an eco-friendly company called Trashie. “Take Back Bag” program helps keep unwanted clothes out of landfills. 

2. Outdated Electronics

Donate unwanted electronics in an environmentally friendly way.

Tip: Gather all your old gadgets, chargers and cables. If they still work, consider donating them. Otherwise, find a local electronics recycling center to dispose of them properly. Clearing out these items will prevent you from transporting unnecessary electronic clutter and opening space in those desk drawers. As an eco-friendly San Francisco Moving Company, we also help connect clients to organizations like E-Cycle Environmental recyclers that will help you recycle your old electronics properly under strict environmental laws.

3. Expired Food and Spices

San Francisco Moving Company NorthStar Moving suggests decluttering your pantry and donate unused shelf-stable food stuff.Tip: Check your pantry and refrigerator for expired items. Dispose of any food past its expiration date and consider donating unopened, non-perishable items to a local food bank. This will ensure you only bring fresh and usable food to your new home. As a community focused San Francisco Moving Company we also partner with organizations like Move For Hunger who help redirect unwanted food items to local food banks. 

4. Worn-Out Furniture

Tip: Assess your furniture and decide what pieces you really need and what no longer serves you. You can sell or donate furniture that’s still in good condition. Consider online marketplaces or listing items through your social media account. Also, make arrangements for bulky trash and broken items to be picked up before moving day. Check with your city to see when they will be scheduling those types of pickups. These steps will help you avoid the hassle of moving heavy, unnecessary furniture. We partner with Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore to give usable items a second life.

San Francisco Moving Company NorthStar Moving encourages clients to donate duplicate kitchen supplies like these two dutch ovens shown on a kitchen counter.

5. Unused Kitchen Gadgets

Tip: Sort through your kitchen drawers and cabinets for gadgets and appliances you rarely use. Eliminate duplicate appliances and utensils. Donate or sell items that are still in good condition. Streamlining your kitchen tools will make unpacking in your new kitchen a breeze.

6. Broken or Mismatched Dishes

Tip: Before packing, sort through your dishware and remove any chipped, cracked, or mismatched pieces. Donate or recycle those in usable condition and dispose of broken items properly. This will not only reduce the weight of your boxes but also ensure that your new kitchen starts with a cohesive and functional set of dishes.

Box full of old toys and games ready for donation before moving day. 7. Old or Unused Toys and Games

Tip: Sort through your children’s toys and games, keeping only those that are still played with. Donate gently used toys and dispose of broken ones. This will not only declutter your space but also make it easier to organize your kids’ play area in the new home. 

8. Old Books and Magazines

Tip: Go through your book collection and keep only those you cherish or plan to read again. Donate the rest to libraries, schools or second-hand bookstores. Recycle old magazines. This will lighten your load and give you space for your new chapter.

San Francisco Moving Company NorthStar Moving recommends decluttering your personal documents and paperwork before moving day.9. Old Paperwork

Tip: Shred and recycle old documents you no longer need. Digitize important records and store them securely. This will reduce the bulk of your paperwork and help you stay organized in your new home.

10. Unwanted Decorations

Tip: Take time to review your home decor and decide which items you truly love and which no longer fit your style. Donate or sell decorations that are still in good condition. This will help you create a cohesive and clutter-free look in your new space.

San Francisco Moving Company NorthStar Moving Offers Storage Solutions.

Like any masterpiece in progress, our lives need frequent editing, and that includes our belongings. By clearing out unwanted belongings before you start packing, you reduce the stress of moving, save money, and gain control over your space. During the decluttering process, you may come across items you’re unsure about letting go. Don’t stress—opt for storage services from our San Francisco Moving Company. Leave your items in storage for an extended period until you decide whether you miss them or are ready to let go. Ready to make your move smoother and more organized? Give us a call, we’ll get you on the right track.