Celebrating 30 Years: 30 Must-Know Moving Lessons from NorthStar Moving

Celebration cake with 30 number candles celebrating NorthStar Moving's 30th Anniversary

After 30 years of moving folks all over this beautiful planet, we’ve not only mastered the art of moving, we’ve learned how to think outside the box—literally and figuratively! Along the way, we’ve picked up 30 invaluable moving lessons that go beyond lifting and loading—we’ve learned a thing or two about what it takes to keep moving forward. Whether it’s how to plan ahead or how to pivot when life takes an unexpected turn, these 30 moving lessons inspire and motivate us to keep moving happiness home. So, come along as we unpack three decades of wisdom and discover the insights that will move you forward!

30 Moving Lessons Learned from NorthStar Moving’s 30 Years of Moving Happiness Home:

  1. NorthStar Moving Movers photo taken by a client with a positive review overlayed on the image.Look for Proof of Excellence: In life, just like in moving, don’t just take someone’s word for it—ask for proof! If a moving company says they’re the best, look for reviews, testimonials or recommendations to back it up. The same goes for any big decision in life: verify the facts before you trust. Hearing from those who’ve been there before can save you from a world of trouble and help you make the best choices!
  2. You’re unique, so are your needs: Just like no two moves are the same, neither are people’s needs. In life, remember that a one-size-fits-all approach rarely works. Embrace what makes you unique and find solutions that fit your individual needs!
  3. Stay organized, stay sane: Whether you’re moving or just navigating daily life, staying organized is key to keeping stress at bay. Creating a checklist can keep you on track and help you tackle one task at a time. Who doesn’t love crossing things off a checklist? 
  4. Listen and Learn to grow: In life, listening is key to growth. Paying attention to feedback has helped us  learn, adapt and build stronger relationships with our clients and community. When you take the time to listen, you create space for creativity and growth. So, keep your ears open—you never know what you might learn!
  5. NorthStar Moving team drops off leftover food drom the LA Marathon to the LA Regional Food Bank in an effort to reduce food waste. Give Back to the Community: Being in the service industry has taught us many moving lessons. Above all, we’ve learned success is not only about what you get, but about what you can give; it’s about building lasting relationships and making a positive impact. By giving back and supporting those in need, we’ve seen firsthand how these actions inspire others to do the same, creating a ripple effect of kindness and generosity that strengthens the entire community.
  6. Small Acts of Kindness Matter: Whether it’s just a smile, holding the door open for someone or sharing a tip, a small act of kindness can make a difference in someone’s day.  There’s always something you can do. Find that one thing, and watch how your small act of kindness ripples out, creating positive change
  7. Be Grateful for the Little ThingsIn the hustle of life, much like the bustle of moving, we often overlook the little moments that bring us joy. We’ve learned to appreciate the little things— a sunny day,  a neighbor’s kindness, a thank you note. These moments may seem small, but we’ve found the more grateful we are, the more joy we feel.
  8. Luxury Is in the Details:  In life, just like in moving, true luxury isn’t about flashy extras—it’s about the thoughtful details that make someone feel special. We’ve learned that paying attention to the little things and providing personalized care creates an experience that truly stands out. So, go ahead and treat yourself, you’re worth it!
  9. NorthStar Moving's moving boxes are eco-friendly and made of recycled materials, they are stacked outside among wild flowersLiving Green Matters: Embracing a green lifestyle isn’t just about saving the planet; it’s about enhancing our own lives, too. By making eco-friendly choices—like reducing waste and using sustainable products and eco-friendly businesses—we create healthier environments for ourselves and our families, reduce stress and even save money. Living green means breathing cleaner air, enjoying healthier surroundings and knowing that we’re making a positive impact. When we take care of the Earth, we’re also taking care of ourselves!
  10. Think outside of the box –  In life, it’s important to step back and see things from a new perspective. Embrace a new viewpoint, and watch the possibilities unfold!
  11. Change your focus: When you shift your focus to helping others, amazing things can happen. By focusing on being of service, you open up endless possibilities and create more meaningful connections.
  12. Life’s too short for awful customer service:  Whether you’re running a business or just interacting with others, always aim to provide kindness, respect and genuine care. Great customer service isn’t just good business—it’s about making every moment count and treating people the way they deserve to be treated.
  13. Client dropping a unwanted red sweater into a NorthStar Moving Box marked "donations" before her move. Lighten your load – Sometimes we need to let go of what no longer serves us. Clearing out the clutter—whether it’s old habits, unnecessary belongings, or negative thoughts—creates space for new opportunities and growth. By lightening your load, you free yourself to move forward with more ease and joy. Letting go of the extra baggage helps us embrace what truly matters!
  14. Create Lasting Connections: In the service industry, we’ve been fortunate to make lifelong clients who have joined our fan club. Remember, it’s the lasting connections we create along the way that add real value to our journey.
  15. Listen Up: You never know where a great idea might come from! Some of our best innovations, like switching to biodiesel moving trucks, started with a simple suggestion from a team member. Keep your ears open—Great ideas can come from anyone, anywhere!
  16. When you love what you do, it shows: This is true in business and in relationships. People are drawn to others that make them feel valued and appreciated, and when they feel that love, they’ll keep coming back!
  17. NorthStar Moving client is having fun on moving day by hiding in a NorthStar Moving Box.Follow your joy! Celebrate every win, big or small! Just like moving is a huge task made up of many steps, life is full of moments worth celebrating. Take time to appreciate each milestone you achieve, no matter how small. Finding joy in the journey makes every accomplishment feel like a victory and keeps you motivated to keep moving forward. 
  18. The best Is yet to come: Each move, like each new day, carries the hope of a brighter future. No matter what lies behind, there’s always the chance for something better ahead. Keep looking forward with excitement—the next great thing is just around the corner!
  19. You’re already in control of your time.You have more control over your time than you think; it’s all about setting priorities. If you don’t carve out time for the things on your wishlist, it will always feel like you don’t have enough. But when you make the effort to set  aside time, you’ll be surprised how much you can accomplish. Prioritize what matters, and watch your time open up!
  20. Create a Mindful Home: To live a more organized and inspired life, start with the space around you. Your home should support your goals and adapt to your needs. An organized home creates an organized mind, empowering you to achieve your resolutions. When your surroundings are in harmony, your mindset follows suit.
  21. NorthStar Movers carrying a large couch down a large outdoor staircase.Ask for Help When You Need It: Whether you’re moving a heavy piece of furniture or facing a tough decision in life, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Reaching out for support can make even the most daunting tasks feel more manageable. Remember, you don’t have to do it all alone—there’s strength in leaning on others.
  22. Learn to Pivot! Much like moving a large couch through a hallway or corner, in life sometimes you need to carefully navigate challenges. Flexibility and adaptability has helped us keep moving forward.
  23. Don’t forget to unpack that last moving box:  We’ve learned that procrastination only makes things harder in the long run. Instead, break tasks down into manageable steps and handle them one at a time. By staying organized and facing things head-on, you’ll free up both your space and your mind. This makes room for new opportunities and growth.
  24. Happy child giving a peace sign standing on a NorthStar Moving Red Moving Truck.Get Everyone Involved: Life’s big tasks can feel daunting, but they become a lot more manageable when you involve others. Bring in family, friends, and even the kids to turn chores into fun, shared experiences. Whether it’s working on a project or handling daily duties, getting everyone involved lightens the load and makes the journey a lot more enjoyable!
  25. A Place for everything, everything in its place: Keeping things organized makes life so much easier! When everything has a home, you spend less time searching and more time enjoying your space. It’s a simple habit that keeps your surroundings tidy and your mind at ease. Make organization a priority, and watch how it transforms your daily routine!
  26. Don’t Overload Yourself: Just like you wouldn’t pack all the heavy stuff into one box, don’t pile too much on your plate at once! Spread the weight around so it’s easier to handle, and everything feels lighter. Life’s a lot easier when you balance the load—no one wants to be stuck lifting the “too heavy” box!
  27. Take Care of Yourself: Whether you’re moving or just tackling a busy day, eating right, staying hydrated, getting enough exercise, and sleeping well are essential. These simple habits help keep you balanced and energized, making it easier to handle whatever comes your way.
  28. A client's dog is happy on moving day wearing a red NorthStar Moving bandada that says "pawesome move".Pets are people, too! Okay, well not really, but they’re a big part of what makes a house feel like home. They add love, laughter, and warmth to our lives, so don’t forget to show them some extra care and attention. After all, our furry friends are what make home truly special! Even our pets can teach us valuable moving lessons in life.  
  29. You Don’t Have to Have It All Figured Out to Move Forward: It’s easy to get stuck in the “why me?” or “what now?” moments, but progress doesn’t require having all the answers. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward. Many of our moving lessons, like this one, are inspired by Claire Wineland, who continues to motivate us with her incredible spirit and legacy.  Though she’s no longer with us, her impact lives on through Claire’s Place Foundation, reminding us daily to keep going, no matter what.
  30. NorthStar Moving Red Moving truck driving in Hollywood passing a street sign saying "keeping going"Moving happiness home: Happiness is the most precious item we carry into a new home. When you make it a goal to spread joy wherever you go, you light up every room and make any place feel like home. Remember, happiness isn’t just something you find—it’s something you bring with you, and it’s contagious!

As we reflect on 30 years of experience, we’ve learned that every step forward brings new opportunities, lessons and reasons to celebrate. Every move teaches us new moving lessons. So, here’s to the future! Whether you’re embarking on a new adventure or making small changes, remember that every step counts. We know one thing for sure: the best is yet to come. Keep moving, keep learning and always move happiness with you wherever you go!