If there is anyone to give a shout out to this Labor Day holiday, it is to all the essential frontline workers who put their own lives on the line to help and care for their fellow Californians. NorthStar Moving Company salutes these heroes and their valiant efforts. Not only do they display admirable dedication, but also an unyielding amount of courage. Here are just a few of these incredible people who move us.
Essential Frontline Workers that Inspire Us:
Andrew Gertz

For Andrew, working as a firefighter during a busy fire season plus the COVID-19 pandemic has definitely been a challenge. Firefighters constantly put themselves in dangerous situations to help others. On top of this, firefighters now also need to be vigilant and mitigate their exposure to the infectious coronavirus and try to prevent its spread. “But this is the reason I became a firefighter,” says Andrew, “the unknown of the day-in, day-out and the overall challenge of the job.” Kudos to Andrew and his fellow brave firefighters.
Carmen Vazquez

ICU Nurse
Carmen Vazquez is a nurse in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The patients she cares for are in critical condition. “I know that statistically and hospital-wide, most patients recover from COVID-19 and are discharged,” explains Carmen. “Unfortunately though, I have seen more people die from complications of COVID-19 than I have seen recover. The hardest part for me has been that these patients are in ICU are alone. Visitors are not allowed unless it is for end-of-life, and those (usually two) visitors only have 15 minutes to say their goodbyes. For the other family members, we FaceTime so they can say their goodbyes. It hurts my heart that these patients are alone and that they only have the nurses to comfort them. I have never allowed any of my patients to die alone. However, at the same time, I know that I am a poor replacement for their family.” Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Carmen, and all your fellow nurses, for being there for our loved ones.
Christy Whalen

Elementary School Supervising Assistant
Christy supplies invaluable assistance to her fellow elementary school teachers, administrative staff, the students and their families. Although her school has switched to online distance learning, students still must have access to printed educational materials and study handouts. Among her many tasks, Christy assists with the safe assembly and no-contact distribution of student homework packets, and also the collection of completed assignments. School is already a major undertaking for most students and their families, that is only exacerbated during this pandemic. Says Christy: “I am glad to be supporting our students and our school in this different and changing time for education.” Cheers to Christy and her positive attitude.
Traci B & “The Angels”

Essential Service Providers
As a single mom, Traci B raised three daughters, “The Angels,” who provide essential services. Her eldest is a school vice principal, her middle daughter provides childcare, and her youngest daughter is a restaurant supervisor. Traci herself felt the calling to help seniors and parents who can not, or should not, shop. So, she signed up to deliver goods to people’s homes and businesses. According to Traci: “My favorite part of being a shopper is when I deliver the groceries to seniors who wave and blow kisses to me through the windows of their homes. I tear up and feel happy to help.” Much appreciation to all the kind and generous “Angels” who are quietly working behind the scenes to keep us all safe.