Happy Happiness Happens Month! If you’re looking for a reason to celebrate, this is the month for you. Happiness Happens month is all about celebrating those small things that fill us with joy and sharing that bliss with others. Happiness can be contagious so make it your goal to spread your elation with others this month. If you are looking for a bit more happiness in your life or just want to inspire others, try the following steps and share your results in the comments section. These happiness tips are especially helpful when you are having a stressful day, like moving day, or any given monday. Give them a go and spread the cheer!
1. Practice Gratitude
Gratitude can totally change your attitude. It’s even doctor prescribed. The Harvard Mental Health Letter says that gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. Start by writing down what you are grateful for each day. Share your gratefulness with your partner or roommate each day. You can also start a gratitude jar where you add notes of gratitude each day or a gratitude journal. These will keep you in the habit of thinking of something you are grateful for each day. Look back on these notes when you are feeling blue or frustrated.
2. Keep Your Life Simple
It’s been said that less is more, but can less mean more happiness? Yes! When your daily life is less focused on material things you have more time for things that really matter. Make it a priority to enjoy the little things. Don’t fill your schedule to the brim, instead leave time to stop and smell the roses, take a walk or play catch with your pet. Simplifying your life can start with your home. Clearing out the clutter will help keep your routine simple and stress free. The less you have to clean and worry about, the more time you have to be happy!
3. Giving to Others
Is there really more happiness in giving than receiving? According to some studies the act of giving activates regions of the brain associated with pleasure, social connection and trust. Generosity fills you with positive emotions like compassion, benevolence and kindness, leaving less room for negative emotions to take over. Start by helping those around you or donating to your favorite charity. You can also give of your time and energy by volunteering with a local non-profit organization. Check out some of my favorite charitable organizations that could use your help and find out how you can get involved.
4. Spend Time in Nature
Have you ever seen a sunset that didn’t inspire you? As residents of this beautiful planet Earth, we have a strong connection to the natural world around us. Unfortunately being stuck in an office or indoors watching T.V. we forget what a bit of fresh air could do for our emotions. Take a walk or a hike at a local park and reconnect to nature. Whether you do some Yoga in the park, meditate by the beach or sketch the falling leaves, taking a moment outdoors helps you gain a different perspective. A moment away from our electronic devices gives us a moment to find out what really matters.
5. Collect Memories Not Things
This more than just a great poster, it’s a idea to live by. Of course shiny new things make us all happy, that is until we want another shiny new thing, but spending time with loved ones produces a lasting kind of happiness. Check out ‘The Story of Stuff’ and learn how not to let stuff control your happiness. Take control by spending more time with friends and family rather than material items. It’s no wonder a scrapbook of memories is more valuable than most of our belongings because it brings to mind something that never wears out.
These are my top 5 ways to make happiness happen this month and every month, but I am sure there are many more. What are your favorite ways to make happiness happen in your life? Leave a comment in the section below.