It can be hard to find friends to make in a town you’ve never been to before, but fret not! Anything is possible if you believe in yourself. You’re a great person with a lot to offer the world, and you gotta believe that.
Find Friends in School

School is a great way to find people that are interested in the same things as you. Even if you’ve already graduated from college, you can still meet people at community college courses and seminars. Whether you want to take a creative writing course or a C++ class, you’re sure to find people who you can relate to on some level. If you aren’t into the community college scene, try taking an art class at a studio, or a cooking class with a kitchen. You can find friends in any class that you take, even the ones that you wind up hating!
Find Friends at Work and Home

Odds are that you already spend most of your day at work. Although it may not be possible with all opportunities and roles, try reaching out to your coworkers and seeing what they are personally like. Throw a party at your place and invite anyone who wants to come. While you’re at it, you can also invite some of your new neighbors over! What better way to find friends then in your own neighborhood. Make the party a potluck, just in case anyone has any allergies or sensitivities that you may not know about.
Find Friends Volunteering

Volunteering is one of the most rewarding things you can do in life. Not only do you get a chance to help people, but you also get to find friends that are as into helping others as you are! You are able to help children, veterans, animals, or anything else that suits your fancy. Volunteering also encourages you to work closely with other people who are as passionate as you are about your charity of choice, so you’ll be sure to make some life long connections!
Where do you find friends after moving to a new town? Tell me about it in the comments sections!