Our pets do so much for us. They play with us, protect us and ultimately love us. They’re our best friend. When we come home whether it be from work or school, they’re just as excited to see them as we are. When it’s time to move from one home to the other, they’re usually the last to complain. They know that as long as they’re with you, they’ll always feel like they’re home. In honor of the huge impact they have in our lives and always sticking by our side, let’s make them something they’ll totally love to play with! I’m talking about DIY pet toys.

A dog is a man’s best friend. They love to run around, roll around in the grass and play catch. They go crazy whenever you throw them the ball. Not only is it a great workout for your arm, but you’ll have your dog entertained for a long time. Instead of throwing them a rubber ball made out of plastic that could be toxic, make them their own catch toy. Using old jeans, cut the leg part of the jeans into two really long strips. They should be about three to four cm wide. Put the strips in a cross. Then, weave one of the strips onto the other. Continue the process, until the strips can no longer be weaved. Tie the strips together to prevent it from becoming undone. You can also do this with other fabrics such as flannel or any old rags you have lying around the house. If you’re not into weaving or you find it too difficult, you can also try braiding it. Here are some other cool DIY dog toy ideas.

Give your cat some love as well by making him or her a knitted mouse. It’ll be like its personal teddy bear but instead it’ll be a miniature version of a mouse. You can make it as adorable as you like and also choose the color. You can make the tail of the mouse a little longer that way you can play with your cat and he or she can try to snatch it from you. Who knows maybe this hobby will get you knitting some other cool stuff for your home.

If you’re still unpacking and haven’t been able to locate your rabbit’s bowl, don’t worry. Put his or her food, such as veggies, in an empty toilet paper roll or in a tiny box that you no longer need. Place your rabbit’s food around the house. It’ll be like a scavenger hunt for your friend.

Still have those boxes lying around the house from your move? Make your rabbit a dig box using your old moving boxes. Take off the flats on the top that way your friend can have some air and light when playing. Cut out two squares on the bottom sides of the box. Those will be the doors that way your rabbit can come in and out. Use any leftover wrapping paper from your move to put in the box. Now you and your friend can have fun playing peek-a-boo.
What are some of your pet’s favorite toys? Share them in the comment section below!