Summer is almost here! Are you looking forward to the barbeques and picnics? Unfortunately not all of us will get to enjoy all the fun that comes with summer. Did you know that while school’s out for summer many kids go hungry?

More than 2.3 million people are in need of food assistance in Los Angeles and Orange County alone. NorthStar Moving and Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage both decided it was time to get moving and do something! That’s why we started the Let’s Send Hunger Packing Summer Food Drive!
Last year, NorthStar Moving and Coldwell Banker offices collected over 8,000lbs of food! This year we need your help to feed even more kids. Simply take your non-perishable donations to your local participating Coldwell Banker office. We will be collecting food from May 1 to June 20.

Afterward we’ll use our big red NorthStar Moving trucks, to pick up and deliver the food donations to the Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County and the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. The Coldwell Banker offices are “competing” to collect the most food donations for their local food bank. Help your local branch office win! For more information on how to help, take a look at our Let’s Send Hunger Packing 2015 page.
Are our NorthStar Moving trucks big enough to hold all your donations? Tell us what you’re going to give in the comments section below!