Our 2nd Annual “Let’s Send Hunger Packing” Food Drive raised a total of 8,109 lbs. of food this summer. That translates into approximately 6,500 meals donated to hungry children in Los Angeles County and Orange County. No matter which way you calculate it, it’s more than 4 tons of happiness moved! Yippy! We are overwhelmed with the amazing results, and we are so grateful to everyone involved for making our summer food drive a success.
Spreading the Word on the Food Drive

Joining forces with our friends at Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, NorthStar Moving organized a friendly food drive competition between Coldwell Banker offices in LA and Orange County to see which offices could collect the most donations. During the summer food drive, which lasted from June 16th thru August 15th, every office welcomed donations from employees, friends and even clients. As the summer progressed, moving boxes filled up with non-perishable food items, and the competition got tougher. Even the KTLA 5 News Office got involved in the donating food after news reporter Lu Parker’s segment on the food drive was broadcasted on the KTLA 5 evening news. In the end however, everyone felt like winners jointly raising almost double the amount raised in last year’s food drive.
Food Drive Donation Heroes

Once the weights were totaled and the numbers tallied, the “Food Donation Heroes” for each county were determined. We were so pleased to announce that the Food Donation Heroes that collected the most food in their county were the Mission Viejo Coldwell Banker Office in Orange County and the Beverly Hills South Coldwell Banker Office in Los Angeles County. In total Orange County Coldwell Banker Offices donated a total of 3,416lbs to Second Harvest Food Bank in Orange County. The LA Regional Food Bank received a total of 4693 lbs from all of the Los Angeles Coldwell Banker offices, NorthStar Moving’s headquarters and KTLA 5 News Office.

We are truly grateful to everyone who donated and participated in spreading the word about this summer’s food drive. Stay tuned for the dates of our next food drive and how you can get involved. In the meantime we encourage you to make donations directly online to the LA Regional Food Bank and The Second Harvest Food Bank. Also check out some of our other favorite non-profit organizations that help you make a difference:
Check out more photos of our food drive on the NorthStar Moving Facebook Page