Happy May Day, everyone!! Today is the first day of May, and with that comes some fun and exciting traditions! It’s time to open the window, and let nature sing to you! There are so many things to do this May season, and I thought I would tell you a few of my favorite May Day traditions!
As you may know, the maypole is a well-known symbol on May Day. However, since we don’t all have maypoles lying around somewhere, here are some ways to make one. All you need are some craft supplies from the craft store, and there you have it–a symbolic maypole to dance around and enjoy! If you’re really into May Day celebrations, crown your friend or family member as queen for the day! How fun is that?

After you’re maypole is complete, mix up this traditional May Day punch to serve to all your friends. May Day punch is simple to make; you can use the fruits and veggies you have on hand. Traditionally, it is made using strawberries and lemonade, but you can make it anyway you choose! Mmm, sounds tasty!

After your May Day punch is made, take it with you on your May Day picnic! You can make sandwiches shaped like flowers, and it is the perfect time to enjoy some fresh fruits and veggies! For dessert, try this frozen strawberry kiwi pie. It is so good! Sit back, relax and enjoy your May Day picnic.
Now I am sure you are wondering about the beautiful May Day flowers. Well, there are so many things to do with these May Day favorites! Whether you like to grow your own or buy them, flowers are a May Day staple. There are so many ways I like to incorporate flowers into my May Day celebration. For instance, creating a flower basket to drop off on your neighbors’ doorstep is a sure way to bring joy to others this May day. Nothing says “neighborly love” like beautiful flowers.

If you want to be even more creative with your flowers, making a May Day crown or headband is not only fun, but it can be a statement piece on May day.
There you have it. These are some fun and creative ways to bring May into your home. Now, get moving, and make this day as colorful as the flowers in bloom.
What are your plans for May Day? Tell me in the Comments section!