Claire’s Corner: Life’s a Cabaret

claire hatHey, guys! How have you been? It’s been a while since I’ve written anything. I wanted to tell you what I’ve been up to lately. So, let me start off by saying I was in my school performance of Cabaret. It was so much fun! I really loved it. It was such a huge feat for me, since it was really exhausting to pull off, but I am proud of myself because I managed to stay out of the hospital! Speaking of the hospital,

cabaretI am really trying to work on creating a more positive view on hospitals. As a girl who has been in and out of hospitals her whole life, it has always been a passion of mine to make the hospital less scary. Since we are lucky to have today’s culture which combines art videos, blogs, and anything interactive,

I want to combine all of those and slowly change people’s view on hospital life. I mean for instance, whenever you watch something on TV or in a movie, the hospital hallway is shown with fluorescent lights, white walls, and it automatically feels unnerving. But in actuality those hallways are hallways like any other and it’s only our associations that make us feel scared. hospital stayI mean, I go down the same exact hallways every time I go into surgery, so you would think that hallways have slightly negative connotations, but here’s the thing: I would always blast my favorite music while being wheeled around in the bed through said hallways. I would time my breathing to the music and imagine some great story in my head about where I was going and who I was with. It was different every time, like sometimes I was heading off to be trained for something epic or I was a spy on a mission through those hallways. By imagining I was somewhere else, I lost all fear. By using imagination and re-imagining something we see as scary as something positive, we can handle pretty much anything.

hospital room redoSo, my hope is that by showing people some more positive ways to see hospitals, they can start imagining whatever they want. Our imaginations are so powerful. I mean, we could pretend the IV poles are high-tech skateboards or that your hospital room is your palace! My goal is to make videos and projects, show the decorating process, interview nurses, and even one day put together scavenger hunts through the hospital. Hopefully, then people will slowly start seeing the hospital in a positive light. At least that’s my hope. Never lose your imagination. Your mind is a powerful tool. I hope you can see the world through a different view and never give up on achieving what you want.