Cats are pretty unique. Moving can be a unique experience, too. When you put the two together, some hilarious things can happen. Are you getting ready for moving with cats? Here are some things you can expect from your furry friends:
1. All boxes must be explored.

2. That includes reusable bags, too.

3. Suitcases are beds.

4. Really, anywhere is a bed.

5. They will watch the movers’ every move.

6. Once you get to your new home, they’ll help you open your laptop for some moving with cats music.

7. They love to help you unpack the cupboards.

8. They will help you explore the new surroundings.

9. They will be right there when you have your first meal in your new home.

10. At the end of a long moving day, they’ll be ready for bed.

Are you or have you ever gotten moving with cats? Tell me all about your moving with cats experiences in the Comments section!