The summer food drive was a success!! Our first annual “Let’s Send Hunger Packing” summer food drive competition in partnership with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage raised 4,556 pounds of food to feed hungry children in Los Angeles and Orange Counties. Wooooohoooooo!! That translates to almost 3,800 meals for hungry kids. I think that deserves another Woooooohooooooo!!! We can’t say thank you enough to everyone who helped make this success possible. Thank you!

From July 19th to September 2nd, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage offices in LA County and Orange County competed to collect the most food donations for their local food bank. We at NorthStar Moving tallied the collected food for each office and are very pleased to announce the winners. The “Food Donation Heroes” that collected the most food in their county are San Marino Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage for Los Angeles County and Laguna Niguel Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage for Orange County. We’re giving each of these stellar offices lunch for their entire staff.

We also want to put some outstanding volunteers in the limelight. Their dedication has helped make this food drive shine. So special thanks to Gabriel Castelli of Coldwell Banker Concierge for making this food drive partnership possible, Rachel Burnard of the Hancock Park North Coldwell Banker office, Mary Ann Campaigne of the Laguna Niguel Coldwell Banker office, Joella Merten of the Arcadia Coldwell Banker office, and Kristin Schmidt of the San Marino Coldwell Banker office. These “Super Volunteer” award winners deserve a round of applause for their dedication, enthusiasm and tireless work.
This summer food drive was very important to us. The facts of the matter moved us to take action:
- 1 out of 4 children in Los Angeles and 1 out of 5 children in Orange County will go to bed hungry tonight.
- More than 2.1 million people in LA County and Orange County are at risk for hunger everyday.
- For every $1 donated, food banks can distribute $5 worth of food.
- It only takes $5 to feed a child for a day.
As a community, we can make a difference and change these numbers! We just did, and we can do it again!

All of the donated items were delivered to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank and Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County. Stay tuned for our next food drive, and in the meantime, you can always donate directly online to the two food banks above. Thanks again to everyone who contributed to this food drive!
Check out more photos on the NorthStar Moving Facebook Page!