Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something to DIY! Halloween is here again. What are you going to dress up as? Well if you read my blog, you know I love cardboard, so I’ve decided to round up all my favorite cardboard DIY Halloween costumes. DIY Halloween costumes are an easy way to both save green and be green. Upcycle something instead of buying a costume you’ll use once and throw away! I’ve used Pinterest to find these super fun DIY Halloween costumes:

DIY Halloween Costumes: Cardboard Clothes
Why wear real clothes when you can wear cardboard ones!! People are so creative when it comes to DIY Halloween costumes. From a cardboard ball gown to a suit and tie, there are so many creative ideas out there! Think of any type of clothing and you can probably make it out of cardboard.
DIY Halloween Costumes: Robots and Sci-Fi Costumes

Robots are classic DIY Halloween costumes. With the boxy nature of robots, you can just take a box and voila! How detailed your robot is is up to you. Here’s one cool example.
Your favorite sci-fi characters can also be made from cardboard. I love this Doctor Who TARDIS, Star Wars AT-ST Walker, and cardboard helmet. Here are some fun technology costumes, also!

DIY Halloween Costumes: Animals
From sea creatures to extinct animals, DIY Halloween costumes are as diverse as Earth’s fauna. Here are my favorite animal costumes: octopi, dinosaurs, sharks, chameleons, wolves, and elephants.
DIY Halloween costumes come in so many shapes and sizes that I can’t even begin to list all the other great ideas I’ve seen. Go let your imagination run wild!
Have you ever made DIY Halloween costumes? Any out of cardboard? Tell me all about them in the Comments section!