It’s that time of the year to get moving in LA again! You guessed it. It’s time to get moving in the Honda LA Marathon 2012. The Honda LA Marathon is a huge event for all us Los Angelenos, and I’m so pumped up to watch it Sunday, March 18! This year, the course starts at Dodger Stadium and ends at the Santa Monica Pier! So grab your running shoes and get moving in LA to see the Honda LA Marathon!
Keep up with the race and get moving in LA! The race starts bright and early in the morning! So set your alarms to view this amazing race from start to finish!
Start Times
Hand Cranks: 6:55 am
Wheelchairs: 7 am
Elite Women: 7:07 am
Elite Men and Full Field: 7:24 am
Follow the runners as they make their way moving in LA through the sea course, featuring many famous Los Angeles attractions in Chinatown, Little Tokyo, Hollywood, West Hollywood, and Beverly Hills! Check out the course map to find the perfect stretch to watch the Honda LA Marathon! It’s amazing how far these runners go moving in LA!

For those who really want to participate and be involved, there’s a 5K Pre-Marathon Walk/Run, you might be interested in. Also! Did you know that you can get moving in LA and raise money for a charity? When you team up, you can run a 2-person marathon supporting a great charity! Running for charity is a great reason for moving in LA!

While the runners are moving in LA, there’ll be plenty for spectators to do after the runners have passed by their stretch of the race. To keep things lively, there’s going to be block parties at desginated intervals operating from 7AM to 2 PM! There’ll be live bands, cheerleaders, dancers, food and crafts for kids! The Honda LA Marathon is a fun event for all involved. There’s a Finish Line Festival for all of the runners and their families to rest and rejuvenate after the marathon. Moving in LA really can tire you out!

If you’re interested in moving in LA at the Honda LA Marathon, keep up with the LA Marathon on twitter (@lamarathon). Did you know that even NorthStar Moving is interested in the Honda LA Marathon? Check out these pictures from last year! If the LA Marathon is not for you, keep moving in LA by knowing which streets are closed. Be aware of traffic changes and street closures! Gotta keep moving in LA even if you’re not a runner!