Hi! It’s Snap Greene here again your trusty eco-loving-moving expert! I wanted to be able to share some moving tips with you guys before your big move! Also, speaking of moving, I am in the process of moving to another cardboard house near Long Beach so I can be close to the Children’s Hospital. Zippy and Sparkle also helped create some of these moving tips as well. On our last move, zippy, sparkle and I had so much fun moving with NorthStar Moving because moving was a snap!
Now that I am an expert in moving! I am going to share my moving tips with you guys!
Moving Tip #1 Packing your books and documents
- Always use a book box
- Always pack from heaviest book to lightest
- Make sure you tape the bottom and top correctly
Moving Tip # 2 Make moving fun!
- Keep a positive attitude
- Make a playlist with your favorite tunes
- Camp out in the living room before all your things arrive
- Think of moving as an adventure
Moving Tip # 3 What to eat on moving day
- Eat healthier more nutritional foods for breakfast such as, whole grain cereal or steel cut oatmeal
- Balance your day out with healthy snacks such as fruits, nuts and yogurt.
- Make sure you drink plenty of water during your move

Moving Tip # 4 How to correctly tape a box
- Invest in a tape dispenser that has a handle
- Make sure you use less tape when packing boxes
- Be sure you are packing on a flat surface
I also created a video on my update about my move and I also came up with more moving tips that will help organize you during your big move! Enjoy! Till next time!