Trying to make the first move in your new home a positive one? Real Feng Shui SOULutions, Feng Shui Master Jennifer Bonnetto and NorthStar Moving® have combined to create a super cool new package called the Balanced Buddha! After moving day, balance the energy in your new home, and bring in positive energy and good chi beneficial to your health, wealth, and relationships. Feng Shui is more than just a cool Hollywood trend, it’s an ancient art and science creating order and Chi flow inside your home.
First off, what is Feng Shui? Feng Shui means wind-water. Both are natural elements that flow through out our natural world. Energy is constantly flowing around and affecting you in your every day life, and Feng Shui enables you to make sure those energies are beneficial! Take charge of the environment that surrounds you, introducing positive flows of energy into your new home.

Feng Shui is basically a study of geography or landforms. More specifically, it’s a study of the relationship between the environment and how it moves around and about you. By rearranging your belongings around you, you can impact your life in better ways! How you arrange yourself, your furniture, and belongings can affect how well your life goes!
Feng Shui is an art and a science! By using a Chinese Chi compass (lao puo) Jennifer Bonnetto will find the “perfect spot” based on the energies swirling around a main structure. Going through each room one at time, she’ll find out which direction and structure each room should face taking in consideration of the interior and exterior design and create an energy blueprint. According to Real Feng Shui Solutions, here’s what an energy blueprint can reveal:
- “…All facets of a person’s life, both positive and negative
- An individual’s ability to thrive and prosper in the various elements of their life (i.e. health, finances, marriage, relationships, etc.)
- Remedies to cure and enhance necessary sectors of the home or business
- In most cases, is possible to tap into benevolent chi and improve all areas of wealth, health, and relationships.”