Do you remember going to elementary school on Valentine’s Day and being super excited to get Valentine’s Day gifts in the form of cards and candy from your friends? Why not keep the tradition alive? Spread the love this Valentine’s Day by giving a Valentine’s Day gift to your friend, your co-worker, your brother, your special someone, or just anyone you’re grateful for in your life! Whether you have a lot of money or none at all, it’s easy to get moving and show someone how much you care about them. Besides the classic flowers and chocolate, here are a few of my favorite ideas for Valentine’s Day gifts:
Donate in their Honor
Are you shopping around for someone who has everything? Why not give to someone who doesn’t have everything? A donation to a charity or your favorite community organization is the ultimate Valentine’s Day gift that keeps on giving. Maybe your gift recipient loves his or her local library. Donate there! Is your Valentine’s Day gift recipient concerned about the environment? Donate in his or her name to The Nature Conservancy or the World Wildlife Federation.
Another option is think globally. Kiva allows you lend money to a special entrepreneur who lives in in a different part of the world. This organization is trying to end world poverty one loan at a time. Loaning some money to one of our global neighbors can be just what they need to get moving up the ladder of success. Show your Valentine’s Day love for someone at home by sharing your good fortune with someone abroad.

Heifer International is also a great organization to donate to. Your Valentine’s Day gift can translate into a cow or a goat for someone who really needs one. “Purchased in someone else’s name, or as a kind gesture without the need for recognition, Heifer International lets you choose a donation that will give families around the world the training and animals the need to help them become self-reliant.” One of my friends’ brothers donates a goat for her Christmas present every year. She loves the warm fuzzy feeling that comes with knowing that someone in the world has been helped. It’s a much more heartwarming feeling than a pair of warm fuzzy socks.
DIY and Make Something

When I want to show someone that I care (and when my wallet is almost empty), I like to craft a gift. I headed over to my favorite DIY website, Craftstylish, to see what they had in mind for Valentine’s Day gifts. My friend that likes to bake will love this adorable ruffle apron for when she’s in the kitchen. I also found a Valentine’s purse to make for my little sister. She’s starting to outgrow her old sweaters, so I’m glad I found this last idea! You can make your own stuffed Valentine doll from an old sweater. Too cute!
Make a Coupon Book
My siblings and I love to make coupon books for my parents. We give them tickets for everything from a free foot massage to a movie night. Other ideas we’ve included in the past are: free car wash, take out the trash and recycling, help clean and organize your closet, and of course, hugs and kisses. You can put as much effort into your Valentine’s Day gift coupons as you want. Try making them into a book and include pictures of your favorite memories with the Valentine’s Day gift recipient.
Bake or Cook

Food is arguably one of my favorite things in the world. Anyone that bakes me a batch of homemade cookies always hold a special place in my heart. Does someone cook for you everyday? My mom makes me dinner almost every night. I know she would love it if I took over the dinner duties for a night. So, on Valentine’s Day night, I’m making her a special vegetarian dinner. Go take a look at my menu! If you’re looking to make any type of food goodies, I highly recommend the recipes at Smitten Kitchen.
If you want to go the traditional route and buy a Valentine’s Day gift, check out my leftover green gift ideas from the holidays. What are you planning on doing for Valentine’s Day gifts? I’d love to hear your ideas!