42 Million people are scheduled to travel this Thanksgiving, and many are going far to get to their Thanksgiving turkey/tofurkey! While the dinner is delicious, the process of getting there can be arduous. My teammates here at NorthStar Moving® and I thought we could offer some tips to make your travel the comfiest and easiest possible!
—Try to avoid traveling on Wednesday, the peak travel day for Thanksgiving commuters. If you live close enough to your destination plan to make the drive or flight on Thanksgiving Day. You will most likely get there faster and cheaper!

–Sunday night will be the busiest day of travel with everyone going back to work on Monday. Try to avoid travel during this peak travel time. You will save money and time!

–Make sure you leave enough time for possible traffic jams, slow public transportation, late shuttles, and airport lines. While it is recommended to show up an hour and a half before your flight I would recommend giving yourself even a little more time.
–When packing, keep in mind your destination. While you may be living in sunny Southern California, it’s already starting to get cold across the country. From the Big Apple to the nation’s capital, temperatures have already hit the forties! Rain, snow, or shine, please consider the weather when packing.

—PACK LIGHT! Whether a car, bus, or plane, the less baggage you have the more comfortable your travel will be! Try to limit yourself to one bag for public transportation or a plane. You won’t have to pay for checked baggage, and there will be enough room for everyone’s stuff! If you’re taking your own car try getting everything into the trunk. If you can’t, you just may be taking too much!
If you’re looking for something to do in Los Angeles this Thanksgiving, consider giving back to the community. Sign up for Midnight Mission’s Thanksgiving on Skid Row. Give thanks by serving meals to those in need.
I hope you all get to your destination before they start serving the pumpkin pie! Stay dry and in good company! Happy Thanksgiving!!