What inspires you? Recently, all of us here at the NorthStar Moving® family have been inspired by one little girl’s smile. A few months ago, we had the great privilege of meeting Claire while working with the Make-A-Wish Foundation to help make Claire’s wish come true. Although she has been diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis from birth, Claire’s positive attitude and enthusiastic spirit proves to us she is a fighter. Immediately we knew she had a lot to say and we wanted to make sure the world knew, this is how Snap Greene was born.
Inspiration goes two ways, so now we want to find a way to give back to Claire and inspire you to find a way to help Claire and her family. We are shouting it from the roof tops so that everyone is lucky enough to be encouraged by Claire’s story and will be moved to share it with their friends. Using our modern day roof tops we are spreading the word through our NorthStar Moving® Facebook page, NorthStarMoving.com, and our blog. Even our very own twitter birdie, Zippy Greene, aka, @northstarmoving, is out there tweeting the word away, and sharing Claire’s inspiring story with the twitterverse.

How can you make a difference? We are asking for any and all suggestions to help spread Claire’s story and raise support for Claire and her family. Please post your suggestions and recommendations for raising awareness and donations for Claire on this blog, our Facebook page, or tweet them to us. Also please visit Claire’s Corner on this blog to find out more information on how you can directly make a donation and give back to Claire. We greatly appreciate your help, every little effort counts.
Thank you,
The NorthStar Moving® Family