NorthStar Moving has been ranked #1 in Newsweek’s list of America’s Best Customer Service 2025 in the moving company category.
The America’s Best Customer Service 2025 ranking was identified from the results of an independent survey of more than 28,000 U.S. customers who have either made purchases, used services, or gathered information about products or services in the past three years.
Being recognized by Newsweek in 2023 and again in 2025 as one of America’s Best Customer Service providers is a testament to the NorthStar Moving team’s dedication to kindness, professionalism and going the extra mile for their clients.
Service Awards
NorthStar Moving was ranked as one of the top 18 movers in San Francisco by SFist, one of the largest digital publishers of local San Francisco news. published a list of some of the best moving companies in San Francisco for 2024, based on customer reviews, services offered, and overall reputation. NorthStar Moving is ranked #1. published a list of some of the best moving companies in Los Angeles for 2024, based on customer reviews, services offered, and overall reputation. NorthStar Moving is ranked #1. ranked NorthStar Moving as one of the Best Movers in Los Angeles. is the premier platform dedicated to showcasing exceptional movers and moving companies. Their expert editorial team meticulously curates a comprehensive database, providing an insightful resource for consumers.
USA Today published their list of the The Best Moving Companies in California for 2024. NorthStar Moving was ranked second in the “Best movers for a local California move” category.
Verified Movers provides a detailed analysis of professional movers, and post recommendations for those moving companies that truly stand out with the top-quality services as well as the customer support they offer. We are happy to be recommended by them.
Southwest Movers Association (SMA) is a trade association established in 1917. It represents the household goods moving industry in Texas and is dedicated to enhancing the performance and profitability of moving companies and promoting a safe and reliable moving industry that includes strict adherence to state laws and ethical standards.
The Pinnacle Mover Program by the SMA promotes and recognizes professional competence and adherence to ethical standards on the part of movers operating in Texas. Certification signifies a mover’s commitment to the highest levels of customer service and satisfaction.
NorthStar Moving is proud to be an SMA Pinnacle Mover.
This Old House Magazine ranked NorthStar Moving the #1 mover in Los Angeles. The leading home magazine carefully evaluated moving companies in Los Angeles to publish their Best 5 Movers in Los Angeles, CA for local and long-distance moves.