Spring Cleaning Hacks That will Last All Season

Spring Cleaning Hacks That will Last All Season

Avoid the spring cleaning blues. Put the duster down and actually make a visual reference to your home. Remember that feeling when you just moved in? It’s like a new car smell. Everything had its place, décor was new and you had just what you needed. Find that home again! It’s simply a change of mindset. Look beyond the mop to the tasks that will actually transform your home for the entire season. Follow these spring cleaning hacks to a cleaner, brighter home.  

Discover Inner Balance with Personalized Home Color Palettes

Discover Inner Balance with Personalized Home Color Palettes

Selecting home paint colors is a daunting task. The color choices feel endless. And, we’ve all been in a room that is just too yellow. Don’t leave it to chance. Did you know choosing colors is actually a science?That’s why NorthStar Moving has partnered with The Science of Color Founder and Color Scientist Gillian Rose. As a color scientist, Gillian integrates science and art to discover an individual’s and couple’s primal response to color, which are in your DNA. Using those responses, Gillian creates a personal color palette for each client that is as individual as a fingerprint. The result is a home with colors that reflect personal inner balance and harmony.

How to Safely Move your Plants to your New Home

How to Safely Move your Plants to your New Home

Moving can be stressful for all living beings. When it comes to change, plants are especially vulnerable. However, with a little love and some planning you can protect your plants and help them adjust to their new environment. Whether you are worried about your small succulent collection or you are a certified plant parent, be assured these tips from Tim Moore, lead editor of Backyard Boss, will help keep your plants safe and secure throughout the moving process.

Hiring Movers: Critical Questions to ask

Hiring Movers: Critical Questions to ask

Sure, you were thinking you would just Google “moving company”. You will find a zillion moving companies, but are you ready to hand over your baby grand piano or other prized possessions into any stranger’s hands? How do you choose the mover you can trust? Here are some handy tips on what to look for when hiring a mover.Asking key questions not only uncovers a wealth of knowledge about the company and helps prepare you for moving day, but a little extra research can save you from a huge hassle in the long run.

Uncover the Ultimate Luxury: A Good Night’s Sleep

Uncover the Ultimate Luxury: A Good Night’s Sleep

To uncover the luxury of a good night’s rest, the first step is to look at your bedroom design. It’s no surprise your environment impacts your quality of sleep. That’s why we partnered with Sleep Like A Boss Founder and Certified Sleep Science Coach Christine Hansen. An Amazon best-selling author, she has helped CEOs and executives in some of the biggest international companies put their sleepless nights to rest.

Flexibility for Franchisers in the New Economy

Flexibility for Franchisers in the New Economy

Ram Katalan, Chief Executive and Co-Founder of NorthStar Moving Company, No. 15, in Chatsworth, is still early in the franchising phase of his moving and storage company’s trajectory. NorthStar Moving has three locations in total, including a franchise in Northern California that is run by an accountant who was familiar with mergers and acquisitions. He is looking to convert a company-owned location in Phoenix into a franchise, Katalan said. In deciding who will open a franchise, Katalan said he prefers go-getters who are willing to put in the hours and effort to manage their moving team.

Make a Move to End Hunger

Make a Move to End Hunger

If you are moving, it is the perfect opportunity to help feed hungry kids. The act of giving while you move will actually make your move easier and potentially help those in need. As you pack up your kitchen, don’t throw away those unexpired canned and dried goods, donate them! Save yourself some heavy lifting and shelf place in the new place. Sounds easy right? It gets better, you don’t even have to take the food down to your local food bank yourself!Visit www.MoveForHunger.org, a non-profit organization that will connect you with a local moving company that will deliver your non-perishable food donations to your local food bank for you. Check out their Find A Mover tool and feel good about working with a moving company that gives back. It’s free and one less thing to pack.

NorthStar Moving Co-Founder Laura McHolm to Speak at Mayor Eric Garcetti’s LA Women’s Entrepreneurship Day 2019

NorthStar Moving Co-Founder Laura McHolm to Speak at Mayor Eric Garcetti’s LA Women’s Entrepreneurship Day 2019

NorthStar Moving Co-Founder Laura McHolm will be a lead speaker at LA Women’s Entrepreneurship Day 2019, hosted by Mayor Eric Garcetti’s Office of Economic Development on November 19th.In recognition of the significant impact women business owners have made on the Los Angeles economy, Mayor Eric Garcetti and City Council declared November 19, 2019 to be Women’s Entrepreneurship Day in Los Angeles. The goal of the LA Women’s Entrepreneurship Day celebration is to inspire, empower and catalyze diverse, yet like-minded individuals, agencies and organizations, helping women-owned businesses realize their full potential in Los Angeles and throughout the world.

Clearing the Clutter

Clearing the Clutter

Tis the season of gratitude, giving, and, of course, decorating, parties, feasts, shopping and more. But before you go down your merry, merry to-do list, think about the needs of your community and all the stuff you don’t need around your home.This is not just another to-do on your holiday list; It’s very simple, and the rewards are immense. It’s the ultimate win-win! You assist others and get a clutter-free home.

NorthStar Moving Partners with Color Scientist

NorthStar Moving Partners with Color Scientist

NorthStar Moving announced today a new partnership with The Science of Color to provide clients with personal color consults when moving into their new home. The service guides NorthStar Moving’s clients through the psychological and physiological impact of color to create a tailored, personalized home color palette.Interior Designer and Color Scientist Gillian Rose is the founder of The Science of Color.  As a color scientist, Gillian integrates science and art to discover an individual’s and couple’s primal response to color. Using those responses, Gillian creates a personal color palette for each client that is as individual as a fingerprint. The result is a home with colors that reflect personal inner balance and harmony.

NAWBO-LA Women in the News

NAWBO-LA Women in the News

NAWBO-LA Community Leader Award recipient Laura McHolm ,NorthStar Moving, was recently featured in Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global. The featured article shares Laura’s advice on how to create a fantastic work culture. Laura talks about how the golden rule got lost in the business world and how she spreads kindness throughout her business. Her approach seems to be working as NorthStar Moving was just awarded their tenth consecutive “Best Places to Work” awards from the Los Angeles Business Journal. Read the Thrive Global article here. 

Live a Life You Are Proud Of

Live a Life You Are Proud Of

Who knew you could find practical advice on being kind to yourself on YouTube?Thanks to a newly released 40-minute documentary, you can.And the good news is, you don’t have to be perfect to live a life you are proud of. There is beauty in your messiness. In fact, what you think are your biggest obstacles may actually be your biggest gifts. So, be kind to yourself.The documentary, Claire, is directed by Oscar-winning filmmaker Nick Reed & Ryan Azevedo. The film tells the story of the young activist and Claire’s Place Foundation Founder Claire Wineland through interviews and footage. It spotlights her unique outlook that inspires millions to find purpose and to live proudly. Reed and Azevedo masterfully use their film to allow Claire’s message to resonate with the audience.

NorthStar Moving Assists Southern California Fire Victims

NorthStar Moving Assists Southern California Fire Victims

NorthStar Moving is offering Southern California residents affected by the fall 2019 Los Angeles County fires three free months of full-service storage. The company wants to help Los Angeles County residents whose homes are impacted by fire or smoke damage and are in need of a safe place to store their belongings.NorthStar Moving has been serving clients and the community for 25 years and wants to use their close proximity and experience to help those affected by the fires. For residents that need a secure location to store their valuables at no charge, NorthStar Moving is opening their doors to help their neighbors.

Most Influential Family Owned Businesses 2019: Notable Family Owned Business

Most Influential Family Owned Businesses 2019: Notable Family Owned Business

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, family-owned and -controlled businesses account for 90% of American companies today. A 2018 study of consumers’ impressions of different organizations, family-owned businesses were largely considered to be more stable, approachable, trustworthy and customer-friendly than other types of companies. Employees of family owned businesses tend to be happier and more productive as well.In the L.A. region, new family-run organizations unceasingly enter the market, and legendary family brands continue to thrive.Congratulations to the extraordinary businesses that made this list – thank you for your unique contributions to the Los Angeles business community and beyond.Notable Family Owned Business: NorthStar Moving Company.Founded in 1994 by wife and husband team Laura McHolm and Ram Katalan, Los Angeles-based NorthStar Moving Company has redefined the moving industry. It is the first to offer eco-luxury moving services, elevating basic moving and storage … Continued

Uncover the Ultimate Luxury: A Good Night’s Sleep

Uncover the Ultimate Luxury: A Good Night’s Sleep

We all know a good night’s sleep is incredibly important for our mood and for our health. Unfortunately, there are many stressors in our daily lives that interfere with the number of hours of sleep we get and the quality of our sleep. Sleep is the foundation of our well-being. So, why not make it a priority?To uncover the luxury of a good night’s rest, the first step is to look at your bedroom design. It’s no surprise your environment impacts your quality of sleep. That’s why we partnered with Sleep Like A Boss Founder and Certified Sleep Science Coach Christine Hansen. An Amazon best-selling author, she has helped CEOs and executives in some of the biggest international companies put their sleepless nights to rest.

Packing Your Garage: Five Steps to Get You Started

Packing Your Garage: Five Steps to Get You Started

When it comes to packing up your home for a move, the garage is often the last room packed. Let’s face it, we put it off due to the sheer number of things piled up over the years. Garages are full of tools, landscaping equipment and things you don’t want to look at. So, how do you tackle packing a garage?Moving is the time when the garage finally gets cleaned out. Hurray! It doesn’t make much sense to move belongings you have no intention of ever using at a new place.

NorthStar Moving Celebrates 25 Years of Thinking Outside the Box

NorthStar Moving Celebrates 25 Years of Thinking Outside the Box

NorthStar Moving’s red trucks hit the road 25 years ago today.On the move since 1994, NorthStar Moving Co-Founders Ram Katalan and Laura McHolm have been on a mission to move service back into what should have always been the ultimate service industry: the moving industry. They have turned the industry on its head as the first to offer “eco-luxury” moving services. From responsible recycling, biodiesel moving trucks, to eco-friendly storage and energy efficient warehouses and offices, they are the trend-setting moving company which is both green-minded and service-minded.

You’ve Moved in, Now What? A Post-Move Checklist

You’ve Moved in, Now What? A Post-Move Checklist

So, it’s been a month since you moved into your new home. The empty boxes are stacked in corners like miniature Leaning Towers of Pisa and you’re missing some key pieces of mail. The moving checklist guided you day-by-day, but now that the moving storm has subsided, how do you complete the settling in process?Are you ready for the best news ever!? Unlike your two-month-long moving-in checklist, there’s a short list of tasks that will not only ensure you don’t miss the next Glamour magazine, but will also help mother earth and others in need. Sounds too good to be true? You can thank us later. Follow these five steps and you will forget you ever moved!

How many moving boxes will you need?

How many moving boxes will you need?

You might not be able to exactly determine how many moving boxes you’ll need for your specific move since it can vary so much.However, using data from Olympia Moving and Storage, NorthStar Moving Company and the Huffington Post, we came up with some pretty good starting guidelines. You can use the starting points here and adjust based on the factors we already mentioned.

How to Pack Your Garage In Five Steps

How to Pack Your Garage In Five Steps

When it comes to packing up your home for a move, the garage is often the last room packed. Let’s face it, we put it off due to the sheer number of things piled up over the years. Garages are full of tools, landscaping equipment and things you don’t want to look at. Often, our garages have become the dumping ground of junk we don’t want in the house. But…there are so many advantages to making the garage the first room you pack up. With a little planning, packing up your garage will ease your mind and possibly fill your wallet! So, how do you tackle packing a garage?