Let’s Send Hunger Packing Food Drive Assists Hungry Children

Let’s Send Hunger Packing Food Drive Assists Hungry Children

“While life is starting to look normal for some, many of our neighbors are still feeling the economic impact caused by the pandemic,” said President and CEO of the LA Regional Food Bank Michael Flood. “Last year, the NorthStar Moving Let’s Send Hunger Packing fundraiser raised the equivalent of 185,000+ meals for our neighbors in need, and we are grateful for their support again this year as the need in our community remains high.”The ninth annual Let’s Send Hunger Packing Food Drive is online and in person at Groundwork Coffee cafes. Non-perishable food items can be dropped off at Groundwork Coffee locations across LA county and a portion of sales from their Hibiscus Lemonade and Summer Seasonal Select Japanese Style Iced Coffee will be donated to the Let’s Send Hunger Packing Food Drive through July 19, 2021. All donations will directly assist … Continued

Let’s Send Hunger Packing Food Drive Assists Hungry Children

Let’s Send Hunger Packing Food Drive Assists Hungry Children

NorthStar Moving Company has teamed up for a second year with Compass Real Estate and Groundwork Coffee for their 2021 Let’s Send Hunger Packing Food Drive in partnership with Los Angeles Regional Food Bank to feed hungry children in Los Angeles County.The pandemic escalated hunger. The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank is serving about 900,000 people each month, which is three times more people than pre-pandemic days, and that includes children. For some children, the only meal they eat is at school. When school is out for the summer, families turn to a food bank for assistance. However, food banks often experience a decline of donations during the summer months.

New Mexico Field Guide 2021: Services + Creative Professionals

New Mexico Field Guide 2021: Services + Creative Professionals

The New Mexico Field Guide is a guide to all things arts and culture across the state. Within, you’ll find maps of major arts districts across Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and Taos, and listings of arts and culture businesses, organizations, and creative professionals statewide to help you navigate the New Mexico arts community and keep your finger on the pulse.This magazine is available for free in print throughout the region as well as online.NorthStar Moving is listed under: “Services + Creative Professionals – Shipping/Handling/Storage”

NorthStar Moving Partners with Compass Real Estate & Groundwork Coffee for Food Drive to Feed Hungry Kids

NorthStar Moving Partners with Compass Real Estate & Groundwork Coffee for Food Drive to Feed Hungry Kids

The rise in hunger isn’t going away; 9th annual “Let’s Send Hunger Packing Food Drive” assists hungry children this summer Los Angeles, CA, June 21, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NorthStar Moving® Company, the leading eco-luxury mover in California, has teamed up for a second year with Compass Real Estate and Groundwork Coffee for their 2021 Let’s Send Hunger Packing Food Drive in partnership with Los Angeles Regional Food Bank to feed hungry children in Los Angeles County.The pandemic escalated hunger. The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank is serving about 900,000 people each month, which is three times more people than pre-pandemic days, and that includes children. For some children, the only meal they eat is at school. When school is out for the summer, families turn to a food bank for assistance. However, food banks often experience a decline of donations during the summer months. “While life is starting to look … Continued

NorthStar Moving Partners with The Picnic Collective

NorthStar Moving Partners with The Picnic Collective

Los Angeles, CA, June 17, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NorthStar Moving® Company, the leading eco-luxury mover in California, announced today a new partnership with The Picnic Collective, a luxury custom picnic service, to provide clients with a care-free meal experience on moving day.Whether it’s in the new home or a last meal in the old home, NorthStar Moving clients can select from The Picnic Collective’s packages to create their perfect picnic. The Picnic Collective will design the picnic, deliver and take care of the set-up and clean-up. They use locally-sourced seasonal ingredients and provide all of the dishware so there is no need to hunt through the moving boxes for a plate and fork. The unique service carves out time for reflection and nourishment on a momentous moving day.“No more pizza out of the cardboard box! The hunt to find local … Continued

NorthStar Moving Opens Offices in New Mexico and Texas

NorthStar Moving Opens Offices in New Mexico and Texas

Los Angeles, CA, May 17, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  NorthStar Moving® Company, the leading eco-luxury mover in California, announced today that it has opened new locations in Santa Fe, New Mexico and Austin, Texas. Owned and operated by the same two co-founders since 1994, Laura McHolm and Ram Katalan have built a company that has moved service back into what should have always been the ultimate service industry: the moving industry. Their new locations offer residents of the Santa Fe and Austin areas the opportunity to experience NorthStar Moving’s custom award-winning: local, long distance, international and commercial moving services.  In 2020, Phoenix and Austin experienced the highest surge of inbound moves in the country. And, Zillow’s experts predict that the two cities’ housing markets will outperform the national market this year.   “We are very excited to open new locations in Santa Fe, New Mexico and Austin, … Continued

First Time Homebuyer Tips for Moving from an Apartment to a House

First Time Homebuyer Tips for Moving from an Apartment to a House

After our last three moves between cities and different apartments, I thought we were pros at this process but wow was I underestimating the difference between moving as renters and moving as homebuyers, especially during a pandemic. That’s why we enlisted the help of actual professionals, like NorthStar Moving Company, and learned so many new tips along the way that I wanted to share in case anyone else might find these helpful!

Moving With Pets? We Have the Experts’ Advice to Do It Properly

Moving With Pets? We Have the Experts’ Advice to Do It Properly

Moving is a hassle for everyone; we’ve all been through a move or relocation sometime in our lives, and we can all agree that it is a very stressful situation for humans, and for pets as well, for them probably even more, since it means a disruption of their normal lives and routines, to the point that it can be a traumatizing experience for them if not handled properly, which is why we requested the expert’s advice to learn to do it properly avoiding trauma and unnecessary stress for our furry friends, let’s check out the fabulous tips they gave us.

The Art of Designing A Family Pool

The Art of Designing A Family Pool

Designing a backyard pool is an intimidating project. Safety is, of course, first and foremost. However, we all desire a pool oasis that is serene and beautiful. Creating a family pool that is both safe and aesthetically pleasing may seem impossible, but it is actually very possible with the right guidance.Designing a family pool has very different considerations than designing a pool that’s a visual showpiece to be used occasionally by adults. When constructing a pool for the entire family, be sure to focus on both the safety and functionality during the design process. The good news is you can create a stunning pool, illuminated waterfalls, and a quiet spa all with strict safety measures in place.

It Can Be Easy Being Green: Four Ways to Make Your Move Green

It Can Be Easy Being Green: Four Ways to Make Your Move Green

Green moving means being conscientious of the environment and using methods that are not harmful to the earth. To paraphrase Kermit the Frog, “Sometimes, it is actually easy being green.”There are simple steps you can take during a move to reduce your waste. Being eco-conscious on moving day will save you some green in your wallet too! Follow these four steps to make Mother Nature proud.

The Art of Mindful Living = Conquering Your Calendar

The Art of Mindful Living = Conquering Your Calendar

How do you manage time? Do you say: “I am too busy,” “I have too much to do,” “I don’t have enough time for…” Here’s something you might not want to hear: You’re already in control of your time. You just haven’t set the time aside to do the things on your wishlist.  If you don’t set the time aside, you’re absolutely correct; you don’t have enough time. But, if you do set the time, magically, you will.Start using your calendar as your key to unlocking what you want. What you spend your time doing is what your life will become. You want to be more mindful? Set yourself up to learn how to practice mindfulness. For me, the key to unlocking mindfulness was my meditation practice.

NorthStar Moving Partners with LC Pool Design + Consultation

NorthStar Moving Partners with LC Pool Design + Consultation

Pool consulting firm provides design advice to create safe & sophisticated pools Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NorthStar Moving® Company, the leading eco-luxury mover in California, announced today a new partnership with LC Pool Design + Consultation to provide clients with expert guidance on how to create a safe and beautiful pool environment when moving into their new home, whether it’s installing a new pool or renovating a pool.During the pandemic, millions of Americans have chosen to relocate and to install, or renovate, a pool in their new backyard. Pools may provide a social-distanced activity, but it’s not necessarily a safe place for little ones.“As a swim instructor, I’ve spent about 87,000 hours in pools. I have a unique vantage point for assessing pool design, construction and safety,” said LC Pool Design + Consultation Founder Lisa Cook. “I am always … Continued

It’s Finally 2021, Make Your Home Feel New Again

It’s Finally 2021, Make Your Home Feel New Again

Our homes continue to be our everything space – workplace, school, gym, restaurant and more. The good news: we don’t have the outside world to distract us this year. No lunch dates. No office birthday parties. No outside interference. If we create a mindful home, it will support our resolutions … To lead a more organized and inspired life, the space around you must function to meet your new needs. It’s empowering: if your home is organized, your mindset will be too.

6 Home Organizing Tips to Make Your Home Feel New Again

6 Home Organizing Tips to Make Your Home Feel New Again

Take a good look at your list of intentions and compare it to how your home is actually being used in our stay-at-home lives. Perhaps your work has swallowed up the dining room table. Sit-down meals with the family have turned into eating in front of our individual devices. Or, your kids are taking Zoom schooling on their bedroom floor and on the kitchen counter. Set them up for success by carving out a quiet distraction-free study nook. It’s time to create a mindful solution to make your home support your vision for a successful new year.

It’s Finally 2021, Make Your Home Feel New Again

It’s Finally 2021, Make Your Home Feel New Again

Hurrah it’s 2021! I don’t think anyone is sorry to say goodbye to 2020. A new year brings a new start. Normally, we have our list of resolutions; our promises to get to the gym, not to procrastinate on our projects, and spend more quality time with friends and family. Unfortunately, studies show most of us will give up on our resolutions. Shockingly, most of us have abandoned them by the 19th of January.  Yikes! This year, let’s try a different approach. Instead of just making a list of resolutions, set up your home so you can actually keep them; even during the pandemic, no excuses.

6 Expert-Approved Tips That Will Help You Downsize Before Moving

6 Expert-Approved Tips That Will Help You Downsize Before Moving

Moving is a hassle, to put it bluntly. But moving with boxes and boxes full of excess stuff you know you won’t ever use again? Now that’s just unnecessary. Before you start packing, you’ll want to start purging. Here are six expert-backed steps to help you start downsizing ahead of a move.[…] Another pandemic-inspired idea? Throw a reverse housewarming party on Zoom, says Laura McHolm, co-founder of NorthStar Moving. “Set aside your unwanted items and share them with friends and family on Zoom to see if someone else would like them,” she says. “This is a great way to reunite with friends, find your unwanted things a good home, and declutter for your move all at the same time.”

The Home Identity Crisis: The Dining Room Office

The Home Identity Crisis: The Dining Room Office

Remember life pre-pandemic lock down before your dining room morphed into your zoom room, office, workstation and study hall.? Thanks to your new work-at-home lifestyle, files and papers found a permanent home on your dining room table. You probably haven’t had a meal on that table, besides a quick sandwich and many lattes, since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.Now the holidays are here, and while we won’t be hosting big gatherings this year, it would be nice to have a holiday meal with a few close family and friends in your safe bubble. It’s time to reclaim and tame the dining room table! A little organizational magic and presto you can alleviate the room identity crisis and turn it into a beautiful two-in-one space. An office by day and a dining room by night!

The Power of Kindness in the Age of COVID

The Power of Kindness in the Age of COVID

Every year, for the past eight years,  NorthStar Moving has hosted a community food drive called Let’s Send Hunger Packing. Our 2020 Let’s Send Hunger Packing Food Drive just came to a close and I am proud to share our team and community truly stepped up. We raised the most donations in our eight years of conducting the food drive! We raised $47,046 for the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, providing 188,184 meals to feed hungry children in Los Angeles County. We are so grateful to everyone dedicated to making a difference in the lives of hungry children throughout the LA region. This is something all of us can do to make a difference in a hungry child’s life: donate to your local food bank, it’s as easy as a click of a button.

Laura McHolm: “Joy brings success”

Laura McHolm: “Joy brings success”

As a part of our series about strong women leaders, I had the pleasure of interviewing LauraLaura McHolm. One of the few women at the helm of a moving company, Laura McHolm had a unique entrance into the world of entrepreneurship.Through Laura’s out of the box marketing tactics, she has single-handedly crushed the dim view consumers once held about the moving industry. She coined the phrase “eco-luxury moving services” and is changing the way we move by selling the eco-conscious red carpet treatment. Laura and her team are setting out on their next big move — franchising.

NorthStar Moving Raises Over $47,000 for the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank

NorthStar Moving Raises Over $47,000 for the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank

“The LA Regional Food Bank has truly risen to meet the incredible need in our community,” said NorthStar Moving Co-Founder & Chief of Organized Living Laura McHolm. “Their parking lot looks like a busy day at LAX. When you see how enormous the need is and what the Food Bank is doing on a daily basis, the least we can all do is to donate funds so they can keep food on LA families’ tables. I am so impressed with how people are stepping up to meet the challenge; we really are stronger together. Together, we will send hunger packing.”