NorthStar Moving: The Luxury Moving Company

NorthStar Moving: The Luxury Moving Company

NorthStar Moving is a Californian moving company that offers a bespoke moving service when you change your residence.With past clients that include Eva Longoria and Angelina Jolie, NorthStar say “Celebrities and other A Listers have always been concerned about security and privacy…the stars choose a company that can deploy decoy moving trucks to throw off photographers…who have been well trained to work with security and know that privacy is our most valuable possession.”

NorthStar Moving Partners With E-Cycle Environmental- Making Moving More Green

NorthStar Moving Partners With E-Cycle Environmental- Making Moving More Green

NorthStar Moving Corporation has unveiled a new green partnership with E-Cycle Environmental, providing a bright green solution for households on the move… E-Cycle Environmental ensures that these items are recycled domestically, under strict environmental laws…“Most people during the course of their move throw out more stuff than at any other time of the year,” said Laura McHolm, co-founder of NorthStar Moving.

NorthStar Moving Expands Eco-Friendly Services with a Brighter Shade of Green

NorthStar Moving Expands Eco-Friendly Services with a Brighter Shade of Green

–NorthStar Moving Corporation, the leading residential and commercial mover in California, offering local, intrastate, interstate, and international moves, as well as storage services, has unveiled a new green partnership with E-Cycle Environmental, providing a bright green solution for households on the move. Computers, televisions, batteries, and a plethora of other electronic and large bulky items are often discarded during the moving process.  

Pamper your Pooch While You Move in L.A.

Pamper your Pooch While You Move in L.A.

As anyone who has moved with dogs knows, packing up one house and moving to another can be as stressful for a pooch as it is for a person. That’s why L.A.’s NorthStar Moving recently created “The Paris” moving package, which includes traditional moving services, plus luxury boarding for your pup. While you label boxes and movers haul your stuff to a truck, your dog will be pampered…

How Does a Celebrity Move

How Does a Celebrity Move

Are you jealous yet? There is good news. You can move like a star, too. The luxury moving company does not limit its clientele to the stars. Each star-studded moving package can be custom tailored to your needs and it’s not as expensive as you might think. These days, celebrities are looking for competitive pricing, too.

Today we’re Loving…

Today we’re Loving…

So today we’re loving this awesome auction in which you can buy a closet-full of the Wayans Brothers threads — and even their very own X Box — and all the cash goes to Feeding America, The Art of Elysium, Hope North and H.E.L.P. Malawi.

Hot Auction

Hot Auction

The Wayans Brothers are celebrating the release of their new film Dance Flick with a charitable move: They’re auctioning off their designer threads in partnership with NorthStar Moving! Fans can bid on shirts, jeans, jackets and more now through June 9 and proceeds from the auction will go to Feeding America, The Art of Elysium, Hope North and H.E.L.P. Malawi.

14 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Mover

14 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Mover

Now that it’s June, the kids will soon be out of school, summer will soon be in full swing–and millions of people will soon be packing up their homes and moving. (Summer is the most popular time for people to move, you know.) In case you happen to be planning a move and need to hire a mover, here are 14 questions that NorthStar Moving Corporation suggests you ask before hiring a mover:

Wayans Brothers Get Clothes Off Their Back

Wayans Brothers Get Clothes Off Their Back

As everybody knows, there’s only two things better than buying new clothes: buying clothes from celebrities, and giving money to charity. So today we’re loving this awesome auction in which you can buy a closet-full of the Wayans Brothers threads — and even their very own Xbox — and all the cash goes to Feeding America, The Art of Elysium, Hope North and H.E.L.P. Malawi.

Wayans Brothers Give Impressive Donation to NorthStar Moving’s Drive for Clothes Off Our Back Foundation

Wayans Brothers Give Impressive Donation to NorthStar Moving’s Drive for Clothes Off Our Back Foundation

NorthStar Moving Corporation…serves an impressive list of celebrity clientele including the Wayans Brothers who donated many of their designer possessions to NorthStar Moving’s “Drive For the Clothes Off Our Back Foundation”. The celebrity movers clothing drive collects donations from their star-studded clientele and delivers the famous items to the organization that can turn them into a great cause, The Clothes Off Our Back Foundation, a 501c3 organization that hosts charity auctions showcasing today’s hottest celebrity attire with proceeds benefiting various children’s charities.  

Los Angeles Home Stager’s Tips For a Smooth Move

Los Angeles Home Stager’s Tips For a Smooth Move

As a home stager in Los Angeles, I frequently help my clients pack before moving. Ram taught me a lot about proper packing techniques. One way to save money when you move is to pack your own boxes. Here are some cost conscious tips for packing so your possessions arrive at your destination in one piece:

Women Making a Difference 2009

Women Making a Difference 2009

Laura McHolm turned the industry on its head-breaking the long-held notion of moving and storage as mere commodities. Her leadership and zeal for discrete, exemplary service has made NorthStar Moving a sought after vendor for today’s hottest celebrities and well heeled clients across the Los Angeles area.  

Dark Shadows Magazine

Dark Shadows Magazine

Laura McHolm turned the industry on its head-breaking the long-held notion of moving and storage as mere commodities. Her leadership and zeal for discrete, exemplary service has made NorthStar Moving a sought after vendor for today’s hottest celebrities and well heeled clients across Los Angeles area.  

Sunday Solutions: Moving Green

Sunday Solutions: Moving Green

One local company to consider for moving and storage services is NorthStar Moving Corporation, which recently announced that it’s converted vehicles to biodiesel fuel, uses vaults made of reused wood for storage, and offers discount offers to customers who use and return recycled boxes. I haven’t tried out their services myself though, and the green info’s not on their website yet, so call for full details before you commit.  

Update Closet for Spring, Start with shoes

Update Closet for Spring, Start with shoes

Laura McHolm, founder of NorthStar Moving, is an organization expert whose company has worked with such high-profile clients as Angelina Jolie and Eva Longoria. She recommends taking everything out of the closet and creating four piles: Keep, give away, throw away, and store. The keep pile will contain everything you’ll be wearing in the upcoming season, as well as holdovers from the previous season.  

Moving on up

Moving on up

A Frugalette sibling moved recently and while she prepared weeks in advance for the big day, she probably would have been much better off knowing some of these tips from NorthStar Moving Corporation– the folks who move celebrities like Eva Longoria and Angelina Jolie and the gaggle of gals from The Bachelor mansion.