Angelina Jolie’s Favorite Moving Company Helps Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Relocate

Angelina Jolie’s Favorite Moving Company Helps Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Relocate

L.A. based NorthStar Moving Company — which counts the “Maleficent” actress as a client and carves out its niche as Hollywood’s go-to for moving services — recently helped the Israeli PM move. 12 men, three trucks, and four days of waiting for a signal from the Israeli secret service to make their next move: It sounds like a scene out of an action film, but for the people at NorthStar Moving Company, it’s all part of moving high-profile clients from point A to B. In this case, that client was Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who recently moved to California for a temporary stay earlier this month.

Top 10 Cities Americans Move to and Move From

Top 10 Cities Americans Move to and Move From

Peak moving season is fast approaching. That means people will soon be flocking in and out of the country’s biggest cities. Wondering which places see the biggest ebb and flow? Our friends at NorthStar Moving have put together these two infographics that show the top cities in the country that people are moving to and from. The graphics are based on data from the American Moving & Storage Association, which tracks inbound  and outbound shipments across the USA.The rankings reflect the total number shipments, not movers as a percentage of the city’s population. They overlap quite a bit. Strangely enough, the same place tops both lists. Why do you think that is? Let us know in the comments.

Top 10 Cities Americans Move to and Move From

Top 10 Cities Americans Move to and Move From

Have you dreamed of moving to a city on the other side of the country, or simply somewhere warmer or with a cheaper cost of living? While these reasons are not the top three reasons people move, they are common desires and driving factors in where Americans move to and why we pick up and leave a city.In David Letterman fashion, my team at NorthStar Moving recently compiled the “Top Ten Cities Americans Move To” and “Top Ten Cities Americans Move From.” The city with the biggest revolving door is the capital of our great nation, taking the #1 spot in both lists. In fact, many of the cities make both lists, with the states of California and Texas with the most cities on the lists. Check out the two lists illustrated in our infographic below to see if your city makes the … Continued

10 Surprising Moves to Master Spring Cleaning

10 Surprising Moves to Master Spring Cleaning

So, it’s that time of year again when we get down on our hands and knees and scrub our home top to bottom.  Okay, well, it’s the time of year you promised yourself you would do THE BIG CLEAN. Sponge? Check. Eco-friendly cleaning solutions? Check. Rubber gloves? Check. Ready, set, clean. What? You still haven’t started? Or, you’ve pushed the task off to summer break? Come on now, here are two tips to get you cleaning. […] Okay, now we’ve got you cleaning! Here are 10 ideas to make the most of your cleaning frenzy and have you love the final result:

NorthStar Moving Named California ProMover

NorthStar Moving Named California ProMover

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) March 13, 2014 — NorthStar Moving® Company, the leading eco-luxury mover today announced that it has been certified as a California ProMover, the U.S. moving industry’s consumer protection and extensive certification program.The California ProMover Program is designed to fight fraud by giving consumers an easy way to separate reputable, professional movers from con artists. After rigorous evaluations and undergoing an extensive seven-point background check, NorthStar Moving earned this distinction and membership. Every ProMover has pledged to abide by all federal regulations and the American Moving & Storage Association’s Code of Ethics. The promise is to provide California moving consumers honest, legal, and efficient service, as well as trained personnel, operating clean and safe equipment.“It is an honor to be recognized for our ethical and honest business practices,” said NorthStar Moving Co-Founder and CEO Ram Katalan. “Since our first day … Continued

Prep for Spring: Eight Tips to Clear Clutter & Find More Space in Your Home

Prep for Spring: Eight Tips to Clear Clutter & Find More Space in Your Home

It’s that time of year again when we break out the mops and sponges to scrub our home clean of winter. But what about the actual clutter that has built up over the last months? Are there remnants of holidays 2013, boots blocking the entryway, and coats piled ceiling high? Look around, if that is the case no matter how much scrubbing you do your home will never feel clean. So, before you get down to making things spic and span, clear the clutter. Follow these eight tips to prep for spring cleaning and find more space in your home.

NorthStar Moving Partners with Boo Boo Busters to Provide Professional Baby-Proofing for Little Ones on the Move

NorthStar Moving Partners with Boo Boo Busters to Provide Professional Baby-Proofing for Little Ones on the Move

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) February 20, 2014 — NorthStar Moving ® Company, the leading eco-luxury mover in California, has unveiled a new customized package with Boo Boo Busters Professional Childproofing Services to provide baby-proofing to households on the move. The new service transforms a home into a safe environment for crawlers, toddlers, climbers, and grabbers.“Any home undergoes a lot of change when a little one enters. Add moving into the mix and the change and uncertainties can triple,” said Laura McHolm, co-founder of NorthStar Moving. “That’s why we are delighted to team up with the experts at Boo Boo Busters to ease the minds of our clients that have little ones in tow. They no longer have to worry about what dangers may be hidden in their new home or tackle the headache of determining what products they need or … Continued

The Most Common Reasons We Move in America

The Most Common Reasons We Move in America

How many times have you moved? What were the reasons? Moving is stressful and a ton of work so why do we do it? It turns out we have very good reasons, often big life changes.My team at NorthStar Moving compiled the most common reasons people move.

Preparing for Your Big Move: Finding a Qualified Mover

Preparing for Your Big Move: Finding a Qualified Mover

I know, you were thinking you would just Google “moving company.” Sure you will find a zillion moving companies, but are you ready to handover your baby grand piano or your prized 1977 go-go boots into any stranger’s hands? So, how do you choose the mover you can trust? One who knows how great you look in those boots and wouldn’t dream of letting anything happen to them? Here are some handy tips on what to look for when hiring a mover.

It’s Moving Day Again! Tips on Protecting Your Properties

It’s Moving Day Again! Tips on Protecting Your Properties

Is it moving day again at one of your properties? Afraid to see what damage was left behind this time? Have no fear, your hours spent doing moving day damage control are over. With a small amount of prep work and knowledge, your elevators, corners, doorways, carpets and more, will stay looking new through hundreds of moves.

The Big Move

The Big Move

To streamline your moving process and get it under control, follow these four steps […] 2) DeclutterHere’s a golden rule to decide whether to keep or throw your stuff: “If you haven’t used it in the last year, toss it. Everything adds up” Schmidt says. […] Giving away your stuff can be another way to declutter, advises Laura McHolm, co-founder of NorthStar Moving in Los Angeles.

Ten Tips to Find More Space in Your Home in 2014

Ten Tips to Find More Space in Your Home in 2014

Clear your mind by clearing out the clutter. If your home is organized your mindset will be too.A clean and balanced home is actually a launching pad for all of your other resolutions. So if you are already starting to fail at your self-resolutions try this home resolution — find more space in your home by clearing out the clutter. Follow these ten tips and I promise you it will inspire you to complete your other resolutions and lead you to a more organized, happier year.

NorthStar Moving Offers New Year Organization Services

NorthStar Moving Offers New Year Organization Services

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) January 14, 2014 — Make a home resolution for the new year? Pledging to be more organized in 2014? NorthStar Moving® Company, the award-winning eco-luxury mover in California, offers home solutions for all kinds of home resolutions. Whether starting the new year fresh in a new home or freshening a current home, the company has partnerships with professional organizers, furniture restoration specialist, green cleaning company, item removal and auction company, and even a Feng Shui expert.NorthStar Moving’s partnership with Operation Organization provides a team of professional organizers that will de-clutter any life. From closets to kitchens and garages, they sift and sort, help decide what stays and what goes, and teach organizing strategies to keep clients on track all year long. If it’s just a closet that’s the sore spot, NorthStar Moving also works with personal stylist Lauren Messiah. … Continued

Four Simple Ways to Use Holiday Clutter to Pack Away Décor Safely

Four Simple Ways to Use Holiday Clutter to Pack Away Décor Safely

The holiday festivities have come to a close. The pine needles are beginning to cover the floor, and I bet corners of the house are filled with boxes, wrapping paper and miles of ribbon. But before you begin the task of clearing the house of all holiday remnants and packing up the décor, you can actually put the festive trash to good use. Much of your trash is actually a treasure when it comes to stowing away your holiday décor safely! Follow these four simple steps to reuse Christmas past, clear holiday clutter and make sure your décor is in one piece next year, all at the same time!

NorthStar Moving Moves Toy Donations to Brighten Children’s Holiday Dreams

NorthStar Moving Moves Toy Donations to Brighten Children’s Holiday Dreams

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) December 20, 2013 — NorthStar Moving® Company, the leading eco-luxury mover in California, is honored to team up with Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Locations Managers Guild of America (LMGA), and the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) to help collect and distribute donations for their holiday toy drives.NorthStar Moving put their mover elves to work to fill their red trucks with toys for three toy drives benefiting children across the LA region this holiday season. The company helped fulfill the wish lists of the young patients at Children’s Hospital LA by providing free storage space for the donations and transporting them. The LMGA hosted a toy drive to support Five Acres, a child and family services agency that strengthens families and prevents child abuse. NorthStar Moving transported the toys to Five Acres to ensure the wishes were under the tree in time for … Continued

The Home Stretch: Last-Minute Holiday Entertaining Tips

The Home Stretch: Last-Minute Holiday Entertaining Tips

Planning a holiday party this week, but its not making your spirits bright? Do you fear that jingle as neighbors come knocking? Every year we plan to be the hostess with the mostess, but with all the other holiday to-dos it often falls to the bottom of the list. Well, here is some jolly news, you can host a holiday party and be merry and bright! All it takes is a little planning and you will entertain with ease.Here is my holiday entertaining handbook which has saved my holidays for decades:

NorthStar Moving, Rodeo Realty, Silverado & Move for Hunger Team up for Holiday Food Drive

NorthStar Moving, Rodeo Realty, Silverado & Move for Hunger Team up for Holiday Food Drive

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) December 12, 2013 — WHAT: Rodeo Realty, Silverado senior living, and NorthStar Moving® Company, the leading eco-luxury mover in California, have partnered with Move for Hunger to host a holiday food drive to feed hungry children and adults in Los Angeles County. The donations will help feed the 1.6 million people in Los Angeles County that live on incomes that put them at risk of hunger. Forty percent of those in need are children.DETAILS: The food drive runs through December 20, 2013. Donations are now being accepted at the Calabasas and Los Angeles Silverado locations. Suggested food items include peanut butter, jelly, canned beans, fruit juice, rice, crackers, baby food, canned vegetables, pasta and sauce, soups, salad dressings and all nonperishable items. The donations will benefit the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. NorthStar Moving will provide the boxes for the donations and pick-up … Continued