Coldwell Banker Accepting Food Drive Donations

Coldwell Banker Accepting Food Drive Donations

A local moving company and brokerage firm have joined forces once again this summer to combat hunger and feed children throughout Orange and Los Angeles counties.All donations will benefit Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County and will help feed the more than 1 million children in Southern California that lack access to stable food sources.

How to Pack for a Summer Family Road Trip

How to Pack for a Summer Family Road Trip

Road Trip! Remember the days when the whole family piled into the station wagon for a summer road trip with a few bags, a cooler and some Mad Libs? There were singalongs, license plate games and simply family time together. Those are some of my fondest memories. Think that simple life is impossible with all of the gizmos we have today? Think again! With some packing knowledge and creativity, you can still create those memories for your kids tech-free.

Celebrate this 4th by Giving Back

Celebrate this 4th by Giving Back

Our second annual “Let’s Send Hunger Packing” summer food drive, in partnership with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, to feed hungry children in Los Angeles and Orange Counties is off to an amazing start! The Coldwell Banker teams across the two counties are busy collecting food donations, but they need your help.The LA Food Bank serves 400,000 children in need each year, however they depend on the donations made by our communities. Checkout a list of needed items below. You will be making a difference in the life of a child and celebrating our great nation!

Local Realtors Compete in Food Drive

Local Realtors Compete in Food Drive

Malibu Coldwell Banker is competing in the second annual, two-countywide food drive, “Let’s Send Hunger Packing,” hosted by LA’s NorthStar Moving, with the support of Move for Hunger. Last year’s competition raised more than two tons of food for children in LA and Orange counties.

11 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Moving Company

11 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Moving Company

I know, you were thinking you would just Google “moving company.” Sure, you will find a zillion moving companies, but are you ready to handover your baby grand piano or other prized possessions into any stranger’s hands? So, how do you choose the mover you can trust?  Here are some handy tips on what to look for when hiring a mover.

Second Annual ‘Lets Send Hunger Packing’ Food Drive

Second Annual ‘Lets Send Hunger Packing’ Food Drive

NorthStar Moving Company is teaming up with Coldwell Banker to host their second annual “Let’s Send Hunger Packing” Food Drive.  Their goal: make sure no child goes to bed hungry.  Donating is easy. Simply bring your non-perishable food donations to any Coldwell Banker location throughout Los Angeles with a “Let’s Send Hunger Packing” collection box from June 16 to August 15.

Summer Landscaping: 10 Steps to Yard Envy

Summer Landscaping: 10 Steps to Yard Envy

There are countless of experts out there, such as the pros at Flores Landscaping that I recently partnered with to give our clients’ old house curb appeal and to make their new house feel like home. However, all the opinions and advice can be overwhelming so I narrowed it down for you. Here are 10 steps to healthy, gorgeous landscaping.

Coldwell Banker and NorthStar Moving Join Forces for Second Annual Food Drive to Feed Hungry Kids

Coldwell Banker and NorthStar Moving Join Forces for Second Annual Food Drive to Feed Hungry Kids

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) June 10, 2014 — NorthStar Moving® Company, the leading eco-luxury mover in California, has teamed up with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, with the support of Move for Hunger, for their second annual “Let’s Send Hunger Packing” summer food drive to feed hungry children in Los Angeles and Orange Counties.“Over one million children in Southern California lack access to food,” says Adam Lowy, executive director of Move for Hunger. “We are thrilled to support NorthStar Moving and Coldwell Banker to help change this troubling statistic and send hunger packing!”The battle to raise the most food donations begins June 16 and runs through August 15. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage offices in Los Angeles County and Orange County will compete to collect the most food for their local food bank. Donations will be accepted at 36 Coldwell Banker area offices. The Los … Continued

How To Plan For a Successful Move with Children

How To Plan For a Successful Move with Children

Use these pointers to help your kids get through the moving process.Get Them Involved.There is no easier way to keep kids happy than giving them a feeling of control – get them involved!Have them arrange their own room. Draw out a floor plan of the rooms in the new house and let the children make paper doll furniture and arrange what they want in their room.Encourage your kids to pack themselves so that they are involved in the moving process. They can have their own boxes and suitcases that they are responsible for. Give them color codes or fun stickers to stick on the boxes that belong in their room. You can oversee this.

How to Move Like a Celebrity

How to Move Like a Celebrity

Have you ever thought about how a celebrity moves into a new home? As you probably guessed, Angelina Jolie and Eva Longoria don’t rent a van and haul things themselves or call up any ol’ mover. Instead, stars use a moving company that knows how to protect their privacy and recognizes that the details make the service. Here are five ways a celebrity move is probably different from yours:

Four Steps to a Successful Move with Kids

Four Steps to a Successful Move with Kids

Summer is almost here and for families it’s the most popular time to move to a new home. In fact, nearly 40 million of us move in the summer.Way before you break out those cardboard boxes, use these pointers to help your kids get through the moving process.Here are four steps to a successful move with kids: timing, transition, getting the kids involved, and an adjustment period.

Four Steps to a Successful Move With Kids

Four Steps to a Successful Move With Kids

May is National Moving Month. Nearly 40 million of us move in the summer and begin planning our moves in May.It’s no secret, no one likes to move and that includes your kids. Moving is one of the most stressful times in life. It brings a lot of change, to do lists, financial concerns, and for your kids it means making new friends and maybe adjusting to a new school. Way before you break out those cardboard boxes, use these pointers to help your kids get through the moving process.

NorthStar Moving Teams Up with Hungry Goats to Protect Homes from Wildfires

NorthStar Moving Teams Up with Hungry Goats to Protect Homes from Wildfires

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) May 13, 2014 — As Californians brace for a heightened wildfire season, and May, National Moving Month, kicks off the busy moving season, NorthStar Moving ® Company, the leading eco-luxury mover in California, and Environment Land Management (ELM) and their goats have teamed up to protect from fire damage the millions moving into new homes.This unique partnership rolls out the grassy welcome mat to the herd as the boxes are being unpacked, checking off the most important to-do on the move-in list: protecting what’s under your roof. ELM will deliver a herd of as many hundreds of goats needed to eat away at large sections of dry grass, weeds, and thistles as well as any added services necessary to take care of anything that is flammable.“Goats are clean, quiet and the eco-friendly option for land-clearing efforts. Areas cleared or thinned by … Continued

Five Ways to Make Your Move Green

Five Ways to Make Your Move Green

Top 5 Reasons to Move Green:Reason #1 Breathe EasierTrucks that use diesel fuel emit harmful toxins into our air and are responsible for the majority of cancer risk from outdoor air pollutants. The Green Moving Solution: Green moving companies run their trucks on biodiesel fuel which is a cleaner burning fuel made from natural renewable sources such as vegetable oils. Moving trucks with battery-operated lift gates insure that there is no need to leave the trucks idling at your curb while the move is taking place. Also, a government regulated weigh station installed and monitored at the moving company’s headquarters saves unnecessary and costly fuel expenditures to off-site weigh stations.

5 Ways to Make Your Move Green

5 Ways to Make Your Move Green

Moving season and Earth Day are here, two occasions you probably never put together. However, they compliment each other quite nicely, saving you moving costs and impact on the environment.Today, green moving means being conscientious of the environment and using methods that are not harmful to the earth. Fortunately, there are steps and now moving companies that help you move with the smallest carbon footprint possible without incurring any additional costs. In fact, moving green can actually be less expensive. Sometimes, it is actually easy being green.

Can You Guess the Top 10 Cities Americans Move To and From?

Can You Guess the Top 10 Cities Americans Move To and From?

Have you moved to a city because it offered warmer temperatures, cheaper cost of living, more job opportunities, or simply to fulfill a dream? They are all common desires and clues as to where Americans move, and why we pick up and leave a city.The team at NorthStar Moving recently compiled the Top Ten Cities Americans Move To and Top Ten Cities Americans Move From. Can you guess which metropolises made the list?

NorthStar Moving Partners with Flores Landscaping to Provide Landscaping Services to Clients on the Move

NorthStar Moving Partners with Flores Landscaping to Provide Landscaping Services to Clients on the Move

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) April 09, 2014 — NorthStar Moving® Company, the leading eco-luxury mover in California, has unveiled a new customized package with Flores Landscaping to provide landscaping services to households on the move. Whether your new yard needs a green makeover or your old yard needs new curb appeal to attract buyers, this service transforms a home’s surroundings.This unique partnership brings out the green welcome mat to a new home just as the movers arrive at the front door. Flores Landscaping’s team of artists work with each homeowner to create the perfect setting for their home. The homeowner is able to see every single angle of the finished art scape design before it is built. To bring the dream landscape to life, they offer hardscape services such as patios, driveways, and waterfalls, as well as softscape services such as irrigation, … Continued