How to Live in a Staged Home

How to Live in a Staged Home

First and foremost, you have to change your mindset; it is not “your home” anymore. Treat the house as if it were a five-star hotel; you need to maintain the staged look and keep everything spotless. You do not want it to appear that anyone is living in the home; there should be no dishes, family pictures, or piles of personal stuff visible. You want your potential buyers to easily envision themselves living in the home. The good news is that keeping your house like a five-star hotel will also enable you to treat yourself and your family to a mini-vacation – no cooking and lots of fun outings!

Making Time to Make a Difference

Making Time to Make a Difference

As anyone who’s ever worked in the relocation industry will tell you, summer is the busiest time of year. The increased workload hasn’t stopped our partners from making time to give back to their communities. Since May, our moving partners have delivered over 473,000 pounds of food – that’s over 394,000 meals – to food banks and pantries across the United States and Canada. Here’s a closer look at just a few of the events they’ve been involved in this summer:NorthStar Moving collected over 7,000 pounds of food during their Let’s Send Hunger Packing drive.

Tricks to Living in a Staged Home

Tricks to Living in a Staged Home

First and foremost, you have to change your mindset; it is not “your home” anymore. Treat the house as if it were a five-star hotel; you need to maintain the staged look and keep everything spotless. You do not want it to appear that anyone is living in the home; there should be no dishes, family pictures or piles of personal stuff visible. You want your potential buyers to easily envision themselves living in the home. The good news is that keeping your house like a five-star hotel will also enable you to treat yourself and your family to a mini-vacation – no cooking and lots of fun outings!

Movers Reveal: The 5 Weirdest Things We’ve Ever Had to Move

Movers Reveal: The 5 Weirdest Things We’ve Ever Had to Move

“We’ve moved angels … that is, angel sculptures that were all over Los Angeles. They were for a charity. Artists created them, and then they were displayed all over the city. I believe they are then auctioned off to support local charities. Problem is, they’re so big, each needed to be wrapped, and they created custom crates for each.” — Laura McHolm, co-founder of NorthStar Moving in Los Angeles.

How to Live Big in a Dorm Room

How to Live Big in a Dorm Room

Have you heard of the tiny house craze? It is the latest trend, people are living in small spaces, but “living big!” Living big means they are living more with less. Enjoying life with fewer things. So, why can’t we apply these trendy tips and tricks to dorm living? There is no reason at all!

Tips For Moving Abroad

Tips For Moving Abroad

Moving from the U.S. to another country? Fantastique! Magnífico! You are beginning a great adventure. But of course, first you need to get there with all of your belongings. Whether you are single, or moving a family and pets here are key factors and to-dos to manage when moving abroad.

NorthStar Moving Honored 2016 “Best Places to Work” Winner for Seventh Consecutive year

NorthStar Moving Honored 2016 “Best Places to Work” Winner for Seventh Consecutive year

California’s premier eco-luxury moving company awarded for workplace excellence by the Los Angeles Business JournalLOS ANGELES, Aug. 25, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NorthStar Moving®, the leading eco-luxury mover in California, today announced that it was named one of the “Best Places to Work” in greater Los Angeles for the seventh consecutive year. This annual program was created by the Los Angeles Business Journal and Best Companies Group.The survey and awards program was designed to identify, recognize and honor the best employers in Los Angeles, benefiting the county’s economy, workforce and businesses. The list is made up of 100 companies. NorthStar Moving ranked an impressive #27 in the best medium sized company category.Companies from across the county entered the two-part survey process to determine the Best Places to Work in Los Angeles. The first part consisted of evaluating each nominated company’s workplace policies, practices, … Continued

Dorm Room Storage and Decorating Ideas

Dorm Room Storage and Decorating Ideas

Have you heard of the tiny house craze? The trend is to live big in a small space. This means enjoying life with fewer things. On college campuses, living in a tiny space isn’t a revolutionary idea, but new organization tricks from the micro-living movement can help you make the most of your dorm room.

How to Find the Right Vet After a Move

How to Find the Right Vet After a Move

I called in the pros: the veterinarians at VetPronto and Dr. Anthony George, doctor of veterinary medicine and certified veterinary acupuncturist, to learn some simple tips to help find a qualified vet in your new hood. From office structure to qualifications and interaction, their advice covers the hunt from whiskers to tail.

Moving? Pack Your Garage In Five Steps

Moving? Pack Your Garage In Five Steps

When it comes to packing up your home for a move, the garage is often the last room packed. Let’s face it, we put it off due to the sheer number of things piled up and the items in the garage are the most awkward things to pack. Garages are full of tools, landscaping equipment and things you don’t want to look at. Often, our garages have become the dumping ground of junk we don’t want in the house. But…there are so many advantages to making the garage the first room packed. With a little planning, packing up your garage will ease your mind and possibly fill your wallet! So, how do you tackle packing a garage?

More Than Just a Moving Company: An Interview with NorthStar Moving Co-Founder Laura McHolm

More Than Just a Moving Company: An Interview with NorthStar Moving Co-Founder Laura McHolm

Laura McHolm co-founded NorthStar Moving 20 years ago when she was working as an attorney and felt the desire to do something unexpected. She believes that if people have a happy move, they will have a happy home. Thus, the theme of NorthStar Moving is “Moving Happiness Home.” Her philosophy also applies to her organization, which has been named among the “best places to work” by the Los Angeles Business Journal. McHolm is deeply committed to helping others in many ways.

A Moving Experience: Finding the Most Qualified Mover for Your Production Move

A Moving Experience: Finding the Most Qualified Mover for Your Production Move

Is googling “moving company” really the best way to find a mover for your productionmove? Sure, you will find a mover, but will you find a mover that is experienced in theintricacies, timeline and budget restraints of a production? Instead, here are some tips onwhat to look for when hiring a mover. They will save you time, money and headaches. Finda mover that knows how to assist you behind the scenes, making you look like the star.

NorthStar Moving and Coldwell Banker Team Up To Collect Nearly 6,000 Meals

NorthStar Moving and Coldwell Banker Team Up To Collect Nearly 6,000 Meals

From May 2 through June 17, NorthStar Moving held their fourth Annual “Let’s Send Hunger Packing” food drive with the help of 30 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage locations throughout Southern California. This year, they were able to collect 7,132 pounds of food, which equates to about 5,900 meals! NorthStar Moving also volunteered to deliver the donations to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank and the Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County.

NorthStar Moving and Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Collect Food To Serve Nearly 6,000 Meals to Hungry Kids

NorthStar Moving and Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Collect Food To Serve Nearly 6,000 Meals to Hungry Kids

4th Annual Food Drive Competition Assists Local Hungry Children in Time of NeedLOS ANGELES, July 12, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NorthStar Moving® Company, the leading eco-luxury mover in California, announced today that their fourth annual “Let’s Send Hunger Packing” summer food drive competition in partnership with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage raised 7,132 pounds of food to feed hungry children in Los Angeles and Orange County.“We appreciate the support we’ve received from NorthStar Moving over the past four years,” said Los Angeles Regional Food Bank Chief Development Officer Mario Haug. “They understand that hunger never takes a vacation and that summer can be especially hard for families in Los Angeles with limited resources. Because of their generosity, we are able to help feed the 1 in 5 children in L.A. County who live in food insecure homes.”The food drive competition, hosted by NorthStar Moving, … Continued

Be Sure to Ask These Questions Before You Hire a Home Inspector

Be Sure to Ask These Questions Before You Hire a Home Inspector

Everyone knows that buying a home is a huge financial and emotional commitment. Most of us purchase a home just a few times in our lifetime. It’s full of countless decisions: Is this the right house for my family? Is the neighborhood where we want to live? Can we afford it?  Unfortunately, one of the first and most vital steps in the home buying process is often overlooked – hiring a qualified home inspector.

Moving Abroad: What You Need to Know

Moving Abroad: What You Need to Know

Moving from the U.S. to another country? Fantastique! Magnífico! You are beginning a great adventure. But of course, you first need to get there with all of your belongings. First, I am sure you are wondering how much will it cost to move overseas. The cost of an international move is determined by the volume of your shipment. Volume is measured by either cubic feet or weight, depending on the final destination of your international move.

Trading Places: Tips for Moving With a Cat or Dog

Trading Places: Tips for Moving With a Cat or Dog

Moving is one of life’s most stressful experiences. Imagine what your pets feel like. They know something is up, just not what’s happening.All the packing, boxes and general chaos and can cause anxiety in dogs and cats, said Inga Fricke, director of pet retention programs at the Humane Society of the United States.If you’re stressed out about moving, you can transfer those feelings to your pet.If you’re planning a move, “be mindful not only about your pet’s safety but also their well-being,”“Instead of pulling an all-nighter to pack, try to pack over a long period of time so that your pet thinks everything is normal. This will keep their stress level down. If you are moving with cats, it can help to bring out their carriers out a few a weeks before the move. 

Claire’s Place Foundation Hosts 2nd Annual Glow Ride to Support Children with Cystic Fibrosis

Claire’s Place Foundation Hosts 2nd Annual Glow Ride to Support Children with Cystic Fibrosis

Bike, skate, walk and glow to raise money for families living with cystic fibrosisWHAT: Claire’s Place Foundation, a non-profit organization providing support to children and families affected by cystic fibrosis, is proud to announce their second annual “Glow Ride” fundraiser. The short 3.4 mile ride will make a big scene on the Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach Piers and make an even bigger impact on families with cystic fibrosis struggling to make ends meet while dealing with extended hospital stays.Claire and her supporters, including Jane the Virgin star Justin Baldoni and Hermosa Beach Mayor Hany Fangary,will be passing out glow sticks, glasses, bracelets, and the works to all the participants at the event so we can really brighten the lives of those that struggle with this disease each and every day.DETAILS: The event is sponsored by NorthStar Moving Company and Hermosa Cyclery, who will donate back 100% of all proceeds … Continued