‘Tis the season of gratitude, giving and of course: decorating, parties, feasts, shopping and more. But before you go down your merry merry to do list, think about the needs of your community and all the stuff and clutter you don’t need around your home. Perhaps, you have clothing, furniture, kitchen items, or even food you have been meaning to clear out? The jolly news is charitable organizations open their doors this time of year and make it even easier for you to donate your household items to assist those in need. You can make a difference, so everyone can have a joyful holiday. And, you get to rediscover the holiday joy you experienced as a child.
Local moving companies, Divine Moving & Storage (New York), Gentle Giant Moving Company (New York & San Francisco), White Glove Moving (New York), Alexander’s Mobility Services (San Francisco), NorthStar Moving (Los Angeles), and Crown Relocations (Miami), have generously volunteered to donate supplies and transportation for these food drives, and will bring all of the donations to the local food bank.