Moving with a Baby: The Complete Guide for Parents

Moving with a Baby: The Complete Guide for Parents

On the move with a little mover in tow? Every parent knows having a baby at home is an adventure. Take that everyday baby voyage and mix in moving your home, now your adventure is more like a hike up Mt. Everest! Here’s the good news, if you plan ahead and take simple steps that trek will become a walk in the park (well maybe not, but a manageable stroll up hill.) Before you pack up and gear up for the baby + move exploration, check out this complete guide for parents moving with a baby to ease the stress and enjoy the transition.We have organized the guide into three sections: Before the Move, Moving In and Baby Proofing. You can think of it like pregnancy, nesting and then labor!

People That Move Us: The Founder of DogzHaus

People That Move Us: The Founder of DogzHaus

In the US, there are an estimated 14,000 pet rescue groups and shelters taking in approximately 7.6 million cats and dogs annually. Of that figure, 2.7 million cats and dogs end up euthanized each year. In late 2013, Yoko founded DOGzHAUS RESCUE, a non-profit dog rescue organization. DOGzHAUS not only rescues dogs from animal shelters – prioritizing those who are on the brink of being euthanized – but allows owners, who can no longer keep their dogs, to surrender their dogs to DOGzHAUS.The DOGzHAUS RESCUE team works to find permanent, loving homes for their rescued dogs with qualified owners. They also educate the public about the benefits of adopting dogs from shelters and rescue organizations, and help raise awareness about the importance of the spaying and neutering of dogs. Last but not least, they provide instruction on proper dog care and … Continued

How to Plan Your Furniture Arrangement Before Moving In

How to Plan Your Furniture Arrangement Before Moving In

Designing a floor plan in your new home is a step that is frequently overlooked. However, it is essential to create a floor plan for your new home before you move.  Not only is it the step that saves you money on moving day, it also transforms a new house into your new home.If you have a plan for where each piece of furniture will be placed in your new home, you will save time and money on moving day. The movers will not be rearranging your furniture for hours while on the clock. Sadly, the easy act of creating a floor plan before a move is a rarity. If you are not an interior designer it can be extremely challenging to know how to create a floor plan and envision a layout for your new home. So naturally, I called upon an … Continued

Moved In? Now What? – A Post Move Check List

Moved In? Now What? – A Post Move Check List

So, it’s been a month since you moved into your new home. The empty boxes are stacked in corners like miniature Leaning Towers of Pisas and you are missing some key pieces of mail. The moving checklist guided you day by day, but now that the moving storm has subsided, how do you complete the settling in process?Ready for the best news ever!? Unlike your two-month long moving-in check list, there is a short list of tasks that will not only ensure you don’t miss the next Cosmo, but will also help Mother Earth and others in need. Too good to be true? You can thank me later. Follow these five steps and you will forget you ever moved.

NorthStar Moving Partners with Luxury Estate Management Service

NorthStar Moving Partners with Luxury Estate Management Service

Eco-luxury moving company teams up with LuxxeLife to care for clients’ homes when they are awayLos Angeles, CA, Sept. 20, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NorthStar Moving ® Company, the leading eco-luxury mover in California, announced today a new partnership with LuxxeLife, a full-service estate management provider, to provide clients with peace of mind when they are away from their current or new home during a move. Whether a client needs a construction project overseen, or are simply stretched with the demands of a busy life and relocating all at the same time, this new partnership ensures NorthStar Moving’s clients have access to a world class team at LuxxeLife to oversee their properties. “When your home is vacant unattended risks arise,” said LuxxeLife Founder & CEO Carolyn Hori. “During a move you are between two homes making it even more difficult to … Continued

5 Hidden Moving Expenses That Could Jack Up Your Final Bill

5 Hidden Moving Expenses That Could Jack Up Your Final Bill

Moving expenses can quickly spiral if you don’t watch out. And given that moving is already expensive ($1,170 for an in-state move on average, $5,630 for farther distances), it really pays to learn how that initial “estimate” you received might end up being far different from your final bill.It’s important to note that most reputable movers aren’t trying to scam you. It’s just that a moving contract has lots of, well, moving parts. If you’re not familiar with every detail in yours, you could easily end up going wildly over budget. To clue you in on these hidden fees, here are some of the unexpected charges that could make your move far pricier than you expected.

How to Choose Movers: Tips on Hiring a Moving Company You Can Trust

How to Choose Movers: Tips on Hiring a Moving Company You Can Trust

Starting a life in a new home? Then you’ll need to know how to choose movers—and not just any dude with a van, but someone you can trust. After all, these pros will be handling your prized possessions. Before you watch your beloved items disappear into the back of a strange truck, heed this advice from experts on how to read between the lines of moving reviews, check their license and background, and all in all do your due diligence so you can move in and on with your life without a hitch.

Moving Boxes 101: Not All Boxes Are Alike

Moving Boxes 101: Not All Boxes Are Alike

Is packing moving boxes a life size puzzle? It certainly can be if you don’t have the right type of boxes to protect your belongings. To avoid jigsaw driven headaches, get the right stuff for your stuff. The correct boxes and supplies will eliminate wasting time and assist you in retaining your sanity while you’re preparing to make your move. Plus, using the right boxes will properly protect all of your belongings.How do you know what boxes you will need for your treasures? Luckily, there is no class attendance required, simply follow this guide. It’s a quick cheat sheet: learn what each type of box is called, and what it does. You will be able to say: “that’s a wrap” and “move” to the head of the class. Here’s the “Cliff’s Notes” all about moving boxes

14 Sneaky Staging Tips for Selling a Small Home

14 Sneaky Staging Tips for Selling a Small Home

These days it seems like everybody wants a tiny house. But what if your home isn’t adorably tiny? What if it’s just sadly small?Don’t worry—it’s not your square footage that matters most; it’s how you present it. Even if you’re tight on space, you can fool buyers into thinking things are bigger than they appear—you just have to have some smart tricks up your sleeve. Keep reading for our experts’ savviest and sneakiest tips for seeing big returns on the petite place you currently call home.The less clutter, the bigger your home will look and feel to potential buyers. To get rid of your unwanted items, throw a party before your first open house, suggests Laura McHolm, co-founder of NorthStar Moving. “Instead of having your friends bring a gift, have them pick one of your items and take it home with them.”

People That Move Us: The Co-Founder of My Stuff Bags

People That Move Us: The Co-Founder of My Stuff Bags

Co-Founder and CEO of My Stuff Bags Janeen Holmes is giving American children who are rescued from abuse, neglect or abandonment something to hold on to. A small but powerful gesture that gives these children the realization that they are not alone and that someone cares for them.Janeen co-founded My Stuff Bags Foundation 18 years ago. The non-profit organization provides belongings to children who have been rescued from abuse, neglect and abandonment across the United States. A duffle bag filled with necessities such as toys, toiletries, school supplies, clothing and a blanket, gives them something to call their own and a sense of worth, as their young lives endure the transitions of living in shelters or foster care.

How to Live Big in a Dorm Room

How to Live Big in a Dorm Room

Sending your baby off to college this month? I am sure your home is full of dorm room boxes and you are full of emotions! One way to ease your worry is to ensure your college student is living comfortably. Let’s face it; traditional dorm living is often bland, overcrowded, messy and cramped. That’s an idea we can simply throw out now!  The “less is more” rule is especially true when you are living in a dorm room.  With the latest creative approach to making small spaces more livable, we can transform any dorm room into a bright, organized, spacious home away from home.  

NorthStar Moving Named 2017 “Best Places to Work” Winner for Eighth Consecutive Year

NorthStar Moving Named 2017 “Best Places to Work” Winner for Eighth Consecutive Year

California’s premier eco-luxury moving company awarded for workplace excellence by the Los Angeles Business JournalLos Angeles, CA, Aug. 21, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NorthStar Moving®, the leading eco-luxury mover in California, today announced that it was named one of the “Best Places to Work” in greater Los Angeles for the eighth consecutive year. This annual program was created by the Los Angeles Business Journal and Best Companies Group. The survey and awards program was designed to identify, recognize and honor the best employers in Los Angeles, benefiting the county’s economy, workforce and businesses. After businesses from across Los Angeles County are surveyed, the list is narrowed down to 100 companies. NorthStar Moving ranked an impressive #38 in the best medium sized company category.Companies from across the county entered the two-part survey process to determine the Best Places to Work in Los … Continued

People That Move Us: The Founder of Move for Hunger

People That Move Us: The Founder of Move for Hunger

If there is someone to be named “mover and shaker,” Adam Lowy has certainly earned the title. Life tends to move us like a leaf in the wind, many times we end up in places we never intended to be, yet more often than not, it happens to be exactly where we need to be. The same can be said for Move for Hunger Founder Adam Lowy.Adam’s family has owned a moving company for almost a century. During his experience working for his family’s moving business Adam noticed an immense amount of non-perishable food being left behind and thrown away. And, throughout his travels across the U.S., Adam came to some very startling revelations about the tragic state of hunger — 1 in 6 children faces hunger in the United States. This sparked an idea for Adam, who at the time, had … Continued

NorthStar Moving and Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Collect Over 3 Tons of Food to Feed Hungry Kids

NorthStar Moving and Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Collect Over 3 Tons of Food to Feed Hungry Kids

Fifth Annual Food Drive Competition Provides Over 5,000 Meals for Local Hungry ChildrenLos Angeles, CA, July 24, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NorthStar Moving® Company, the leading eco-luxury mover in California, announced today that their fifth annual “Let’s Send Hunger Packing” summer food drive competition in partnership with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage raised 6,368 pounds of food to feed hungry children in Los Angeles and Orange County. With this year’s food drive, the total raised over five years is 32,936 pounds of food, equaling approximately 27,000 meals.“We are very grateful to everyone who donated food to the Let’s Send Hunger Packing Food Drive,” said Second Harvest Food Bank CEO Nicole Suydam. “Their donations over the past five years have provided much-needed food for hungry children in our community.”The food drive competition, hosted by NorthStar Moving, had Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage offices in LA … Continued

Make A Move to End Hunger This Summer

Make A Move to End Hunger This Summer

Did you know that in the United States, 1 in 5 children goes to bed hungry? Shocking right!? When school is out, hunger is in. Families with children who receive free or reduced-cost breakfasts and lunches at school now need to find a way to replace those meals during the summer. They turn to their local food pantry for assistance. Compounding the problem, is a decline during the summer months in donations to the food banks. Local food banks struggle to keep shelves stocked. We need to take action now.What can one person do? It is as simple as a click of a button or making a move. First, go online and donate to your local food bank. Every little bit helps! It only costs $1 to provide four meals to a hungry child. Next, bring non-perishable food directly to your … Continued

Northstar Moving Company and Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Send Hunger Packing!

Northstar Moving Company and Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Send Hunger Packing!

The saying “You Can Never Have Too Much of a Good Thing” can be applied to almost anything, but is especially true in the case of food drives. In a country where 42 million people are food insecure, food drives help to relieve the pressure on food banks and pantries to provide enough sustenance for the millions of grumbling stomachs across the nation.NorthStar Moving® Company and Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage in Greater Los Angeles and Orange County are well aware of the relief food drives can provide and have been helping to fight hunger for FIVE summers now with their annual “Let’s Send Hunger Packing” food drive. The food drive, which took place from May 22-June 16 helped to raise more than 6,368 pounds of food — enough to provide  5,300 meals!

Women CEO Stories

Women CEO Stories

Laura McHolm had an unlikely start as co-founder and marketing director of NorthStar Moving Co. She began attending university at the age of 16, After graduating from the university of California at Berkeley, she worked for Lawrence Hall of Science teaching computer programming and mathematics and joined the computer division of Atari in its infancy to work in consumer marketing. Encouraged by the Atari legal team to attend law school, she graduated from law school and also obtained an emphasis in computer law from Oxford University. She worked for various inventors as a general counsel and marketing director. In the mid-1990s she moved away from the Fortune 500 to fulfill her more creative, entrepreneurial spirit and partnered with Ram Katalan to launch NorthStar Moving.Why start a business?Moving is one of the most stressful moments in people’s lives. My partner and … Continued

Paying it Forward at Coldwell Banker

Paying it Forward at Coldwell Banker

NorthStar Moving and Beverly Hills Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerages are partnering once again for their fifth annual “Send Hunger Packing” Summer Food Drive. Through June 16, Coldwell Banker South and Coldwell Banker North pitch a fierce – but friendly – competition to see who can collect the most food donations for their local food banks. Summer is when local food banks face the greatest need, and these donation will help feed a million local kids.[page 8]

People That Move Us: The Founder of Miry’s List

People That Move Us: The Founder of Miry’s List

Miry Whitehill-Ben Atar is a standout stay-at-home mom who is making a difference in the lives of recent refugees to the U.S., particularly in the lives of their young children. From the first moment we connected to assist her non-profit called Miry’s List, Miry Whitehill-Ben Atar has been moving us with her incredible efforts.Refugee families leave their war-torn home countries to come to the United States to escape violence and persecution. They leave everything they own and know. However, when these well-vetted families arrive in the U.S., they don’t have access to simple necessities. Children are left without diapers, beds, clothes, food, etc. Miry became aware of this in 2016 when she met a family of refugees from Syria. She visited the family and quickly discovered they did not have basic childcare needs for their young children. They also needed … Continued