While cohabitation is an exciting step forward in any relationship, merging two homes, decor styles and closets can be a challenge. Moving in with your significant other is more than just moving in with a roommate, it’s about finding a balance and creating a home together.So, how do you reduce the landmines scattered through the experience of moving in together? Like most things moving related, it’s all about the planning. Tackling difficult decisions before the moving trucks arrive will prevent your shared space from turning into a war zone on moving day. Here are eight tips for making moving in with your partner more about the love and less about the stuff.
Between hectic work and social life demands, life can often be a tight squeeze. But your home shouldn’t feel like one — even if you inhabit a smaller domicile. The trick to airing out a compact space, say the pros, is to get organized and utilize every square inch efficiently.“It’s important to maximize your space so that you can effectively house and use the things you own,” says Robyn Reynolds, certified professional organizer and owner of Organize2Harmonize in Sherman Oaks, Calif.“Purchase bed risers, which will give you more space for your shoe collection and storage containers,” notes Laura McHolm, a home organization expert and co-founder of NorthStar Moving Company in Los Angeles. “Look into an ottoman, bench or couch with storage space inside