Happy, Healthy Christmas Recipes

Right now you may have be having visions of sugar-plums dancing in your head, but maybe you should have some healthy Christmas recipes in there, too! Of course, all recipes here are fully vegetarian friendly. Here are my top three tree go-to’s that are sure… Read More

Welcome Fall at Your Farmers Market

While it’s not technically fall for another month or so, I’m so excited! Is it sweater weather yet? The change in season not only brings new fashion choices but also new produce options at your farmers market. Supporting your local farmers market is in style… Read More

Claire’s Corner: Life’s a Cabaret

Hey, guys! How have you been? It’s been a while since I’ve written anything. I wanted to tell you what I’ve been up to lately. So, let me start off by saying I was in my school performance of Cabaret. It was so much fun! I really loved it. It was such a huge feat for me, since it was really exhausting to pull off, but I am proud of myself because I managed to stay out of the hospital! Speaking of the hospital, Read More