New Year’s Resolutions: Get Moving!

Resolving to Write More - a Worthy Thought by vanhookc (CC BY 2.0)

Happy New Year everyone! Welcome to 2015. Things are looking great so far, and I’m excited for all the good things to come. This year is going to be one to remember. One thing I like to do when starting a new year is put together a list of all my goals. Some people find this intimidating and discouraging, but I’ve learned that if you break things down into smaller goals they are much easier to accomplish. I’m here to share some of my insider tips for sticking to New Year’s resolutions.

New Year’s Resolution: Eat Better

Resolution: Eat Better
Vegetarian Meal by D-Stanley (CC BY 2.0)

New year, new you, right? What better way to do that than to change your diet? You are what you eat. Put good in, get good out. It doesn’t have to be a major change, you can start by simply adding more fruits and veggies to your daily diet. Instead of a baked potato, add a side salad to your meal. When you’re feeling hungry, have an apple rather than a bag of chips. Try having 3 meals a week that include all 5 food groups. Little by little you’ll start to crave healthy food, once your body becomes accustomed to it. You’ll find you’ll start to feel and look better. If you’re feeling more adventurous try out some of these vegetarian meals.

                                       New Year’s Resolution: Get Organized

Resolution: Get Organized
Organized Shed by woodleywonderworks (CC BY 2.0)

It’s time to get rid of all that holiday clutter. Whether you’re packing up the holiday dishes or organizing your closet, it doesn’t matter, as long as you start somewhere. Resolutions are easier to keep if you start small and work your way up to the bigger stuff. It’s never too early to start spring cleaning. Take it one room at a time and get rid of all the things you no longer use. If you can’t seem to let go of anything, you can always store away items that are less frequently used. Try a little feng shui and balance your chi.

New Year’s Resolution: Explore

Resolution: Get Moving
Venice by eGuide Travel (CC BY 2.0)

This one is one of my favorite resolutions. Get moving to your local farmer’s market and try out some fresh seasonal food. Don’t stop there! Explore your city or town. Find a new route home or a new favorite spot. Lose yourself in another world without ever leaving your city. Visit a museum or a local bookstore. Find a new interest and pursue it. Strengthen your resolution; get together with friends and family and support your local community. Volunteer together or donate to a local charitable organization.

What are some of your New Year’s Resolutions? Share them with me in the comments section below!