Simplify Your Move

Flex Tote - 1K52 - Large - Closet1 by Rubbermaid Products (CC BY 2.0)

Looking for a way to make moving easier and have a low stress moving day? It is said that the best way to move is with fewer items. Simplify your life and simplify your move by de-cluttering your home. With less clutter, there is less to move and far less stress while moving. De-cluttering is an easy way to simplify your move.

It’s incredible how many belongings we accumulate over the years. That’s why de-cluttering is important. By removing the clutter, you have a more organized life and simplify your move.

Declutter and organzing
Decluttering and organizing a little at a time to simplify your move. (photo by: Rubbermaid Products)

As with anything, it’s important to get started early! The key to low stress during a move is to plan ahead, get organized, and get rid of clutter early. (A positive outlook helps too!) Leaving everything for last minute always leaves you feel stressed and rushed. Simplify your move early!

Empty your belongings on the floor and sort through them. Sort your pile into four categories: “Keep,” “Give Away,” “Trash/Recycle,” and “Store.” Have a friend with an objective opinion help you get rid of items. Go through each room working from most cluttered room to least cluttered room to simplify your move.

Start donating non-essential items three months before you move. Lots of clothes, toys, old appliances, or things you’ve been saving for a rainy day can go. For long distance and international movers, it might be more cost effective to buy new appliances rather than keep your old ones and have them moved. The goal is to get rid of as much stuff as possible to simplify your move. Make the most of this opportunity to minimize.

packing up for a move
Simplify your move and start packing early! (Photo by: mitchigibis)

Pack items that you’ve decided to keep while you simplify your belongings. Start by packing up things you don’t regularly use. Pack up pictures, paintings, and such things. Pack as you go. Once you’ve de-cluttered a room, pack up everything that doesn’t have to be used regularly.

staged home
Simplify Your Move (Photo by: Kendyl Young)

On moving day, remember to clean up before you leave. With most of everything packed, moving day is just hiring movers to take care of the heavy lifting. All that’s left is unpacking and settling into your home. With your simplified belongings, you’ll be unpacked and happily settled in before you know it!

Hopefully these tips help you de-clutter and move with little to no stress.  Want to know more about simplifying your move and life? Check out this tip.