This End Up: The Upside Of Moving

moving house by Nathan O'Nions (CC BY 2.0)

When it comes to moving, everyone tends to focus on the stress that comes with moving.  There’s so much to do and so little time with moving that everyone forgets what a positive experience moving can be. (It can be stress-free and positive, if you use the right moving company.) Instead of focusing on the negative, let’s take a look at the positives of moving! There are so many great things about moving!

Positivity is a powerful tool in any aspect of life, but especially in moving. Arm yourself with a positive outlook, and moving can be a great experience. It can even relieve some moving stress. Not everyone realizes all the good that comes with moving.

(photo by: hannes.a.schwetz)

As a moving expert, I can see the bright side of moving, so let me shine some light! Here are a just a couple great things about moving:

organized office
(Photo by: EvelynGiggles)

Organization – A benefit of moving is organization! Moving and organization go hand in hand, and a new home is a blank canvas for organizing. Create a place for everything, and put everything in its place while you’re moving. You’ll be able to find everything post-moving day, and know that each item is in its proper place.

Find Lost Items – As you’re packing up things, you’ll begin to find lost items that you’ve been looking for. It’ll be nice to be reunited with your favorite old scarf or that missing button to your favorite jacket. Moving reunites you with lost things!

a clean kitchen
(Photo by: Alienate)

Everything is Clean – One of the best parts of moving is a clean home. There’s no stains on the carpets, no scratched up posts from the cat, and no dirty dishes to clean. And since everything is clean, it’s easier to keep things clean! Also since you’ve already organized, it’s even easier!

A Fresh Start – Moving is a fresh start. A brand new town, a new home, and a new outlook on life! There are so many adventures to be had and new memories to make. You can make new friends and explore your new community. Change is good! Moving to a new home is like a breath of fresh air!

Simplify Your Life – Moving is a time to purge and simplify your life. Donate what you no longer use, and recycle what you cannot donate. Simplify things by only taking what you need for moving, and from there, you have a clutter-free simple beginning in your new home. A clutter free and simplified home means a clutter free life.

Design the perfect space for you after moving! (Photo by: Ndecam)

Upgrade Time – With all the things you’ve donated or recycled, you now a chance to buy new things.  Purchase new energy efficient appliances to replace the old, upcycled green  furniture to fit the space, and pieces of art that’ll really make the space pop! Channel your inner designer and create your perfect space after moving!

There are plenty of positives to moving! Just take a step back and take a look! Remember it’s not something you do often, moving is almost like a new chapter in your life! Moving can be great with the right outlook and the right movers. Good luck to all those moving! Remember to keep it moving and keep it positive! Always look on the bright side of life and moving!